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6 yoga exercises to stretch your body

Esprit sain, corps sain

Writing Parpaperjam.read

Posted on 05.12.2020

Yoga practice requires only a carpet and a few minutes.(Photo: Shutterstock)

6 exercices de yoga pour étirer votre corps

In just a few minutes, the Yoga teacher Magali Lehners offers you simple postures to make at home, video in support.

The closure of the gyms and other swimming pools does not sign the end of physical exercise.Admittedly, the opportunities to practice a little physical exercise are rare in recent days, but the yoga teacher Magali Lehners gives us this weekend, 6 exercises to do at home, for example to stretch in the morningAnd start the day well.

1.Adho Mukha Svanasana

Put on all fours on the carpet.Make sure the knees are positioned under the hips and hands under the shoulders.

Discard your fingers and place the toes on the carpet.Raise your knees upwards, pressing in your hands.Then pull the ischions to the ceiling and activate the inside of the legs.Push the top of the thighs back and the heels towards the ground.Activate the interior of the arms and press the base of the index against the carpet.Stay 5 to 10 breaths.


Marchez lentement, les pieds vers les mains, et posez les pieds preads ou moins 20cm derrière les mains au sol.

The feet are parallel to each other and apart from the width of the basin.Place the palms of the hands flat on the ground or on two bricks, pull the pelvis back to bring the body weight on the heels, go up the basin to the sky.Release your head, effortlessly.Stay 5 to 10 breaths.


Get crouching, spread your feet roughly the width of the yoga carpet. Poussez les talons dans le sol et écartez les cuisses un peu preads qu’à la largeur de votre buste.Push your elbows against the inside of the knees, palms joined.Lie the spine.Stay 5 to 10 breaths.

4.Tippie Twist

Lie the legs and keep the right column.At the place of the knees, fold your legs and place both feet on the ground, knees and feet together.Put the left arm around the legs and put your right hand behind you on the floor.By inspiring, stretch the column.By expiring, turn the whole bust to the right.5 breaths, then change aside.

5.Ardha Matsyendana

Lie the legs and keep the right spine.Fold your right knee and put the right foot outside the left knee.Raise your left arm, stretch the upper body and put the left elbow outside the right knee.Put your right hand behind you on the floor.By inspiring, stretch the column.By expiring, turn to the right.5 breaths, then change aside.

6.Top table

Lie the legs, fold your knees and put both feet on the ground, feet apart at the width of the basin.Put both hands behind you on the floor while turning your fingers to the heels.Roll your shoulders back and open the chest.Push in your feet and lift the basin to the height of the knees.If the knees and hips are at the same height, you can extend your head back.Stay for 5 to 10 breaths, then raise your head and go down the basin on the ground.Kiss your knees and put your forehead for a moment on the knees to neutralize the neck.