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Bedbugs: an insect that can make us live a nightmare

The bed bug is a parasitic insect, hematophagus, exclusively nocturnal, very resistant.In a state of hibernation, it can survive without eating for almost a year and a half, even two years.It has not been shown to transmit diseases but its bite caused irritation and itching.Once installed in a home, it is very difficult to get rid of it too, we must sometimes call on approved professionals.

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[In video] How to get rid of bedbugs disappeared in France in the 1950s, bedbugs are upright in houses, hotels, retirement homes or hospitals.They appreciate dark spaces and hide in mattresses and box springs, sofas, behind furniture, in cracks or under the plinths.Bedbugs are not dangerous and do not transmit diseases, but they prick humans to suck their blood and leave small red pimples on the skin that itch.

The bedbug (Cimex lectularius) is an insect that can be observed in the naked eye.It measures around 5 mm or the size of an apple glove.With adult size, its color is rather brown and turns red when it is full of blood.The bug does not jump and flies, it moves at the speed of an ant and can live up to 6 months in a state of activity.In a state of hibernation, it can stay almost a year without feeding.The eggs of bedbugs (or bed chip) are whitish in color and come in the form of a cluster.A period of 14 days takes place before hatching.There are treatments against bed bug, we will see this in the second part of this article.

Small animals, not very friendly, which can make your life hellish.© Africa Studio, Adobe Stock

How to spot bedbugs?

The bed bug is active only at night.When we get stuck, we can observe that the bite is similar to a mosquito bite and we will feel itching.To locate bed flea, just observe the bed linen.If you notice small black spots, these are bugs excrement.

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He can also appear bugs of bugs that have turned into or around the bed.When they are at the start of proliferation, bedbugs tend to meet near the place where they are going to feed.They will therefore settle on a mattress or a box spring.They will then move in other rooms when they are sufficiently developed.They are generally found on carpets, curtains, in books or even room furniture.

How to get rid of it?

To get rid of an invasion of bedbugs, there are two rules to be observed above all: speed of action and preparation.Time is clearly your enemy in this situation and every day that is one more victory for critters.Indeed, their development is exponential and seems very slow at the beginning.But the more they proliferate, the faster they multiply.Then preparation is also a primordial factor.This is called the protocol before treatment.Each infected accommodation is treated in a different way depending on the area and advancement of the invasion.

There are two additional types of treatment to fight against bedbugs.The chemical treatment which consists in the use of a powerful insecticide and which must be disseminated by an authorized professional.Mechanical treatment which makes it possible to use the weakness of bedbugs: its high sensitivity to extreme temperatures, whether very cold or very hot.

Bugs are discreet insects that hide in very little visible places.It is therefore necessary that the treatment lasts in time, this is called the remanence of treatment.Treatment professionals favor both solutions at the same time because it is necessary at all costs to prevent the invasion from reducing surface.Mechanical treatment alone may not kill all bedbugs and in particular eggs, which will result in a relapse of the invasion which will be even more difficult to eradicate.

You will understand, the bedbug can really spoil your life especially if you do not treat your accommodation in time.A professional will be able to accompany you for a tailor -made preparation phase and a treatment that will eradicate the bedbugs for good.

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