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DIY REPULSIF Natural cat and without danger for animals

Cats bring a lot of joy in our life and help us fight stress.However, they can also become destructive.If you spend most of your free time trying to eliminate the smell and scratches from your furniture and carpets, as well as the dirt of the pots of overturned plants and the holes dug in the vegetable garden, then it's time to dissuadeYour feline.Making your own natural and non -toxic cat repellents could be the best solution to protect your property from your companion with fur companion.

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How to prepare an ecological and non -offensive cat repellent to control the "attacks" of your tomcat?

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Cats do not intentionally do, it's just their nature to leave their smell and mark their territory.It is generally the males who do it.There are indeed many ways to tell your feline to give up.You can try these homemade repellents.However, know that all grandmother's remedies do not work for all animals.You may have to experiment a little but using natural and healthy means to push your cat's instinctive behavior is a much safer and long-term gesture in the long term than reprimands or chemicals.

Cats may feel (or detect odors) about 40 times more than us, humans.The manufacture of a cat repellent is largely based on the well -developed smell of animals.If you find that a recipe does not work, try another.Cats are individuals with different tastes and disgusts, so what seems spicy can simply be a gluttony for them.

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Vinegar's cat repellent works both inside and outside.It can be sprayed directly on the area concerned or the spray can be applied to a cloth and suffered on specific places.


In a spray bottle, mix a volume of white vinegar and a volume of water.Turn the bottle to mix the ingredients.Add a squirt of dish soap to the spray bottle.Close and shake well.

In addition, you can also add a spoon of baking soda to the recipe.

Garlic, pepper and lemon juice mixed with water constitute another means of deterrence.However, add only a very small amount of chili so as not to harm your tomcat.Garlic must be very well crushed.Then let this concoction rest for at least 24 hours.Filter the liquid and you will get a powerful repellent for cats.

Plant this grass near where your cat (s) poses problems.Rosemary is a natural repellent for these animals.You can also make a rosemary and water extract solution to put in a spray bottle.If you want, add the same lemon juice, orange juice or cranberry juice.

Certain aromatic plants, when planted around the flowerbeds, have a repelled effect on cats due to their smells.The species that you can cultivate include lemon verbena, pharmacy street, fraxinelle, India eyelet, geranium, hawthorn and other thorny plants.

Watch out: find out about the plants you plan to grow because there are varieties that are toxic to cats!

Another cat repellent for the outside can be made by mixing the juice with a green orange and the strong coffee.You can also chop or grind citrus bark, and use the coffee grounds in the ground of your flowerbeds to discourage the vasting visitors from the neighborhood.

DIY répulsif chat naturel et sans danger pour les animaux

Lemongrass oil is a homemade repellent for cats.The lemongrass is best known for repelling mosquitoes but the matus do not like its smell at all.Just mix a volume of essential oil with four volumes of water and generously spray the areas concerned.

Fill a 3/4 sprayer bottle with water.Add a few drops of transparent dishwashing liquid so as not to stain your carpet or your furniture.Add 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and lemon essential oil.Return the cover in place and shake well.Just vaporize the preparation where your cat likes to walk.It will neutralize the area and your pet will no longer want to come back.Always test the homemade recipes of this type on a piece of fabric to make sure they do not leave traces on furniture.

Efficient interior cat repellents

You can also use aluminum foil or sandpaper to protect furniture, carpets and kitchen counters.These items offer an unpleasant surface to walk.The double -sided adhesive tape also works very well as a repellent for hairy animals.It is an easy way to train them to stay away from certain areas of your home.

Finally, cats do not like to be wet.You cannot always be on patrol, but if you surprise your pet in a prohibited area, just sprinkle it with a bottle of water.It’s the simplest home remedy for everyone.Constance is essential with this deterrent method.One or two sprays should be enough to draw up animals.

Cats do not like the odors of strong citrus.This recipe uses orange peel but any combination of lemon, lime or tangerine peelings will work.


Pour two cups of water into a medium saucepan and bring to a boil.Add a cup of orange zest and lower the heat.Simmer for 20 minutes.Remove from heat and let cool for 30 minutes.

Pour the mixture into a spray bottle, removing the large pieces of bark that do not fit into the container.Add a little dish soap and lemon juice.Shake well to make sure all the ingredients are combined.

This homemade cat repellent can be used without danger on outdoor and indoor plants.To obtain different pleasant scents, you can replace lemon with essential oil, lime or wild orange.Black pepper can also be used in place of Cayenne pepper.


Add the cayenne pepper, cinnamon and dry mustard in a spray bottle.Add the garlic clove and lemon essential oil.Gently stir the ingredients inside to combine them.Fill with water and shake well to mix again.

Fill the bathtub with a small amount of water.This can discourage your feline from entering it and pee.In addition, try a new litter brand.Some cats do not like texture, smell or other factors of certain types.

Prevention is the best first step.Try eliminating the factors that attract cats.Get rid of the bird feeder, put a cover on the children's sandbox and bet on hermetic lids for the trash cans.

As cats have higher olfactory capacities, they are extremely sensitive to odor -based repellents.As we have already mentioned above, you can make a very simple home remedy from essential oils.Peppermint oil is recommended to push the guys away from.Just mix 3 volumes of water for 1 volume of oil in a spray bottle and apply the preparation to problematic places.You will have to renew the application of the solution as it wears out due to the external conditions.

Homemade cat repellent with essential oils

The addition of a string at the top of your garden fence is the same a great way to dissuade cats from climbing there.This will make the palisade very uncomfortable to cross or walk on it.

Another method that works very well is to attach an aluminum pan to a stake in your courtyard.When the wind blows, this homemade cat repellent emits soft noises that make intruders very uncomfortable.

Finally, it is the most effective means of deterrence for the outside.When everything else fails, a sprinkler activated by the movement will do the trick.When an animal advances on its way, it triggers a surprising alarm and the sprinkler sends a fast water jet on the disruptor.Again, it's not homemade, but it's a safe and natural solution.

Ground cover to avoid the passage of cats

The last thing you want is that stray cats make droppings in your flower garden.To prevent animals from entering the floral beds, extend mulch, pine cones or gravel.Matous will not work on it because of their texture.In addition, coffee grounds mixed with citrus bark also works.