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Fleas: How to get rid of it in the house?

Fleas feed on the blood of their hosts.They can transmit diseases and are possible sources of allergies.When they appear in a house, it is therefore urgent to get rid of it.Here are some tracks.

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[In video] How to get rid of bedbugs disappeared in France in the 1950s, bedbugs are upright in houses, hotels, retirement homes or hospitals.They appreciate dark spaces and hide in mattresses and box springs, sofas, behind furniture, in cracks or under the plinths.Bedbugs are not dangerous and do not transmit diseases, but they prick humans to suck their blood and leave small red pimples on the skin that itch.

More than 2.500 species of fleas have been identified to date.So many small insects likely to prick and suck the blood of their host animals, most generally carnivores.The blood of our dogs and cats therefore, but also ours.And, in addition to being particularly unpleasant, the chip bite is likely to transmit to us diseases or allergies.Hence the need to find effective means of struggle.

Especially when we know that a chip can lay on average between 20 and 30 eggs per day over a period of 2 months.That a chip stings his host some time a day.And that when you only see 5 chips walking on your dog's body, it generally means that some 100 others develop at the same time in our house.

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Because it is generally to the presence of a pet in the house that a flea infestation begins.To avoid it, it therefore seems essential to regularly treat dogs and cats.Anti chip shampoo, anti chip comb, anti chips, anti chip pipettes, anti chip cachets: there is a solution suitable for all animals and all situations.And do not hesitate to ask his veterinarian for advice.

The chips proliferate mainly in spring and fall and the gentle warmth they find in our homes constitutes for them an ideal environment to ensure their biological cycle.© Schankz, Fotolia

Treat the whole house against fleas

In parallel, you will have to wash - at the highest possible temperature - all the fabric objects with which your pet could be in contact.And pass the vacuum cleaner in the smallest corners - especially even the underside of furniture - in order to eliminate all the eggs and all the larvae.Then get rid of the bag-or carefully clean a bagless vacuum cleaner-to avoid a new invasion.There are also insecticide sprays and diffusers -of smoke type -, but they must be used with caution.And anyway, the operation must be renewed 15 days later to ensure its effectiveness.

Be aware, however, that it is not essential to call on chemistry to get rid of fleas.Some natural solutions can be implemented.So you can start by sprinkling your baking soda furniture and carpets before rubbing them with a hard brush and vacuuming throughout the house.Then, you can vaporize on your fabrics and other furnishings, a mixture of water and boiled lemon which has resumed before a whole night.

You can also disperse on the infested areas a powder made from rosemary, absinthe, fennel and peppermint.Or use essential oils: tea tree, lavender and cloves for example.Be careful to avoid their use on animals.And finally, if you have all around your home, jars of mint, chrysanthemums or lavender, you should be able to prevent the risk of infestation.

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