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What is the duration of natural immunity after the COVVI-19?An Italian study responds.

Since the trigger of the coronavirus pandemic at the end of 2019, new information concerning several aspects of the virus have not stopped emerging.From usual symptoms to experimental treatments to vaccines, scientists still continue to study SARS-COV-2, the virus that has changed the world.The protection that people acquire after an infection presents another important subject which greatly interests the general public.A recent Italian study can finally give us more clarity.According to work published on January 20, 2022 in the scientific journal Medrxiv, immunity after COVID-19 lasts more than a year.Focus.

How long does immunity last after COVVI-19 lasts?An Italian study responds.

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To better understand the duration of natural immunity after an infection by SARS-COV-2, Italian researchers conducted an observation study for the period between March 2020 and September 2021.A total of 36 people in the Umbria region having been tested positive for the new coronavirus in March 2020, participated in the study.Scientists wanted to assess the level of protection induced by an infection prior to the virus and that induced by two doses of the pfizer/biontech vaccine.

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Quelle est la durée de l’immunité naturelle après le Covid-19 ? Une étude italienne répond.

More concretely, about half of the people who had the COVVI-19 received two doses of the Pfizer/BionTech vaccine, while the others did not receive it.To continue the levels of IGG antibodies, the researchers regularly carried out blood samples.The results revealed that after 18 months, 97% of the participants were tested positive for anti-PNC (the nucleocapside protein present in abundance in coronavirus), which indicates a strong persistence of immunity afterCOVID-19, that is to say that induced by the infection.Ditto for individuals who have had the virus and vaccinated afterwards.

"The results of our study show that if the double vaccination has increased 161 times the levels of IGG antibodies in healed individuals, this boost has been relatively short duration.On the other hand, individuals who have recovered from the infection and not vaccinated have continued to display antibody levels in progressive, but detectable decline."Concluded the researchers.

Reference :

Medrxiv (January 2022): "Long-term Persistence of Igg Antibodies in Recovered Covid-19 individuals at 18 Months and the Impact of Two-Dose BNT162B2 (Pfizer-Biontech) MRNA Vaccination on the Antibody Response", Puya-dehgani-Mobaraki andcoll.