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How to clean wallpaper?

Wallpaper cleaning according to the nature of the stain

The wallpaper is cleaned according to the type of stain that has been encrusted there.Identify the nature of the latter to determine the suitable product and thus avoid deteriorating your beautiful wallpaper.Fat or makeup stains are easily removed with talc or sommières powder.

If you are dealing with mold spots and your wallpaper is washable:

– Frottez avec un chiffon
– Frictionnez la tache à l’aide d’un coton-tige imbibé d’eau de Javel diluée

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For ink stains, you have the choice between:

– L’acétone
– L’alcool à 90°
– Le White Spirit

Solutions according to the type of wallpaper

If your wallpaper is washable, use a simple and economical product: white vinegar.Proceed as follows:

– Humidifiez une éponge avec un mélange composé d’une cuillère à soupe de vinaigre et d’un litre d’eau
– Frottez doucement la tache jusqu’à effacement
– Procédez au nettoyage toujours de bas en haut pour éviter les coulées d’eau sale
– Essuyez au plus vite avec un chiffon propre

You can also use soapy water instead of this vinegar water solution.

To clean non -washable wallpaper, you need a cloth and soapy water.Please note, you should only moisten it very slightly.You can also go from the white gum to school or the bread crumbs on your tapestry.

If it is a vinyl wallpaper, a moistened sponge stroke with soapy water is sufficient.

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