The statistics are eloquent about the resurgence of bedbugs in France: more than 70,000 medical consultations recorded for one year on the national territory. Very invasive, these parasitic insects measuring only 5 mm long are a nightmare for those who are confronted with them. The bedroom is their favorite space, but they can also populate the sofa, the carpet and even the cracks in the parquet. Microscopic and tenacious, they can be very difficult to eliminate when the infestation is already significant. But before moving on to the “destruction” box of any furniture that is invaded by them, there are several treatments to try in order to eliminate bed bugs before it is too late.
How do you catch bedbugs and how to treat them?
Being a hematophagous insect, bedbugs feed on blood, which explains their interest in humans. It flees the light and it is active especially at night when it stings. The bites do not transmit diseases, but they are often accompanied by severe itching and more rarely by allergic reactions. The bites resemble those of mosquitoes. They can be either grouped or aligned, or scattered all over the skin.
Today, the resurgence of bedbugs in France is a real scourge. The bad news is that they spread at lightning speed and can infest every room in the residence, or even the entire building. These intruders are a problem not to be taken lightly because there are often significant consequences on the quality of life of those affected. To avoid an uncontrolled spread, the best thing to do is to consult professionals in the treatment of bed bugs as soon as possible. First, they will confirm whether or not there are bedbugs in your home. And if there really are, the specialists will know how to treat them to get rid of them permanently and without risk of reappearance.
The factors responsible for the spread of bed bugs are many and varied.
At the beginning of the invasion, when the situation is still of little concern, bedbugs can be discovered on the mattress and the box spring, close to the person they will bite with nightfall. Clues indicating their presence are: small black spots on the sheets, mattress and box spring, as well as living or dead insects, skins or eggs in the bed.
In the event of a heavy infestation, the intruders begin to disperse by seeking hiding places in other rooms of the house or in neighboring apartments. They can invade: textiles, upholstered furniture, door and window frames, loose wall tapestries, cracks in the parquet, papers and books, etc.
Given their miniature size, their ability to survive several months without feeding and their ability to hide, eliminating bedbugs permanently is a difficult task. The most important thing is to react quickly. First, you need an action plan.
1. Before embarking on an insecticide treatment with harmful chemicals, a meticulous mechanical cleaning must first be carried out.2. To get rid of bed bugs, you often use chemicals. You can carry out the treatment yourself, using a suitable insecticide, or call on a pest control company. Take into consideration that the professionals will have to intervene at least twice, within the two-week period. This is necessary to be sure that you have treated any bedbug eggs that may have hatched after the first treatment.
Here are some actions and recommendations to prevent or limit the invasion of bedbugs:
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