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It seems that pineapple changes the taste of the vulva: intoxication or truth?

You may have missed this urban legend, but you can no longer ignore this radical hypothesis.Drinking pineapple juice would give a sweet taste for sperm and would have a positive influence on the smell of vulvae - even their flavor.

This does not come out of our brains that are sometimes sometimes surprising, but from this article by Mel Magazine.Investigation !

Hey sexy

Food influences our bodily smells

We are what we eat, all secretions included.

The food we choose to eat in particular an impact on the smell of our body fluids.Anyone who has already pissed after eating three asparagus or sweated after fenugreek (hello, it's sweat curry) is aware.

If we follow this logic, certain foods could conversely influence our bodily odors.

In 2017, the chemist Anne Helmenstine gathered all the known data to conclude that "the limited number of available studies shows that pineapple has an effect on sperm and vaginal secretions.»»

But if food and lifestyle (tobacco, sleep, alcohol, etc.) influence our bodily smells, no food can magically flavor your intimacy in the last minute, as the urologist Koushik Shaw recalls in Health:

"We are what we eat, but not immediately.The prostate fluid contained in sperm can be made for weeks or even months before ejaculation.»»

Useless therefore descend the juice brick when your sex plan rings on the intercom: it's too late.And be aware that even the partisans of the pineapple do not all agree in terms of consuming the fresh, canned or juice!

Il paraît que l’ananas change le goût de la vulve : intox ou vérité ?

Whatever the potential effects of pineapple, this legend of sperm and boosted cyprine with the fruit poses another problem.Mel Magazine quotes a experienced porn actress, Tasha Reigns, which would confirm the rumors that run but by giving a surprising argument:

"Before a grip, an experienced actress or actor will drink pineapple juice or something sweet [...] Do not feel any smell, or a good smell, it creates a better environment for sex.»»

Allow us not to agree.

The smell of your vulva is normal

Le problème avec ce genre d’« astuce»», c’est qu’elles véhiculent l’idée de quelque chose à améliorer, à perfectionner.

It's true, sperm can be bitter like death, but good news, nothing forces you to swallow it.If the taste tells you nothing worth it, you can completely change your mind along the way.Yes, spitting, that's.

When you lick a pussy, however, difficult to miss your taste and smell.

Mais pourquoi chercher à les modifier ? Sous-entendrait-on que le fumet naturel d’une vulve n’est pas convenable ? Que les femmes devraient utiliser une énième solution pour palier ce « défaut»» supplémentaire ?

If Tasha Reigns prefers odorless sex, it looks at it but for many people, body emanations, even very intense, can be considered exciting.

Quant à parler de « bonne odeur»», nous touchons ici aux limites de la subjectivité…

Exit pineapple juice, welcome self -care

Scoop, therefore: the smell and taste of your vulva are normal, just like its appearance.

On the other hand, if you do this head by removing your panties, there may be a concern.

It can happen, to really have a pussy thing that generates bad odors, but it does not treat pineapple juice.

We can therefore only invite you to eat a beautiful dose of fruits and vegetables, but also to love your body and your fluids as they are.Loving, it's very good for health - and it's not a fake news.

Read also: your cyprine eats away at the bottom of your favorite panties (but it's normal, no stress)

Photo credit: Anna Shvets / Pexels