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My cat is scratching the upholstery: how do I stop it?

Your cat is scratching the tapestry and you don't know how to stop it? Here are some tips to prevent your favorite feline from ruining your walls!

Why is my cat scratching?

The first thing to do is to identify the reason why your cat is scratching your tapestry. This is not just destructive behavior, but it can be potentially dangerous for your furry friend. Indeed, your cat could be injured by scratching surfaces such as tapestries or getting close to them, for example clothes or towels.

The culprit of this behavior is its paws. Know that they are covered with scent glands and each time he scratches a place, he leaves his mark and thus marks his territory. That's why kitties love to scratch furniture and carpets. To win!

How to stop my cat from scratching

Another solution if your cat can't stop scratching the upholstery is to offer him a scratching post. He will then be able to satisfy his instincts on this place of scratching which is entirely dedicated to him.

Be sure to offer him a scratching post at least 80 cm high so that he can stretch out to his full length. Cats like to be able to stretch their body over the entire surface of the scratching post, either horizontally or vertically. In addition, they mark their territory more over a large area.

My cat is scratching the tapestry : how to prevent it?

There are a variety of scratching posts specially designed to be easily installed along a wall, on a stair rung, on a chair leg or various surfaces. Most cat trees also have scratching posts, so you can do a combo.

Once installed, show it to your four-legged friend and if he starts to scratch elsewhere, take him directly to his scratching post so that he gets used to it.

Of course, don't forget to praise him when he scratches in the right place! When your pet uses his scratching post, reward him with a small treat and petting. On the contrary, if he scratches the tapestry, take him directly to his scratching post. It is useless to be violent with your cat, he would not understand and you will not get any results.

The scratching post is the number 1 solution to adopt, and the most reliable! But to entice him to use it, you can imbue him with an irresistible smell with a hormone spray or catnip. At the same time as using the scratching post, Grisou will have to be dissuaded from continuing to scratch in the wrong place...

Cats hate to touch aluminum foil. Cover for several weeks an area of ​​about 1.5 square meters around the target scratching point of your four-legged friend. The next time he wants to scratch there, he will associate this place with the unpleasant sensation of aluminum foil under his paws and will avoid returning there.

It is not a question of completely removing the claws of your four-legged friend, but of cutting off the ends of its claws, just as we cut our nails. It's totally painless for him but you have to be careful not to cut too short at the risk of hurting him. There are nail clippers specially designed for cats. Your veterinarian can also take care of this.

If this solution will not deter him from scratching, it will have the merit of preventing your cat from doing damage and will keep your tapestry intact!

There are a whole range of repellents on the market, but you can also design your own natural repellents. Here are some homemade examples that work more or less according to the cats, each one having its own olfactory tastes.

Vinegar really does everything around the house, even repelling your cat. Spray it every day in the places where he usually scratches, he will look for another place, it's time to buy him a scratching post just for him!

Cats are very sensitive to citrus smells. Boil lemon or orange zest in water, infuse for ten minutes, leave to cool and spray in your house... In addition to keeping it away, it smells good and cleans your interior!

Essential oils should be handled with care. Indeed, they can be toxic for your tomcat, so you must absolutely avoid spraying them near his food. You can use 5 drops of lemon essential oil in 500 milliliters of water to spray tapestries. Lavender and eucalyptus essential oils are also good repellents.