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My dog ​​pees when he is happy: why?

Every time it's the same thing: when your dog is happy, he pees! This habit is unbearable to you and your dog seems to be unable to control his bladder. How to explain that your dog urinates as soon as he is happy? How to cure it ? Here's everything you need to know about it.

Hyperemotivity and loss of sphincter control

When you come home from work, when you pet him or when you play with him, your dog is happy. He wags his tail, shows you his affection and… he pees. this last reaction, you would have liked to do without it. Especially since it's the same thing, every time! How to explain this phenomenon ?

If your dog is very excited by a situation, or even too much, it is because he is hyperemotional. In moments of intense joy, he no longer controls his sphincters. These relax and your dog pees. He does not empty his bladder! He lets out a stream of urine. These pees of joy are very common and should not worry you. Indeed, they have nothing to do with incontinence. On the other hand, this behavior is unconscious and of course involuntary.

It should be noted that some dogs, particularly emotional, tend to pee in other situations. In addition to losing control of their sphincters when they are very happy, they urinate:

What to do if your dog pees with joy?

If your dog pees with joy too often, it is imperative to make an appointment with your veterinarian. Although this behavior is normal, you must make sure that he does not have urinary tract weaknesses or urinary tract infections.

My dog ​​pees when he is happy : why?

The goal of the veterinarian will be to check that your dog does not suffer from incontinence. The causes of this pathology are as follows:

If the vet cannot explain the loss of sphincter control, then you need to work with your dog because urinary leakage is behavioral.

Happy pees are caused by your dog's mismanagement of emotions. To teach him to maintain control, it is imperative to adopt the right behaviors. Here are some examples.

How to react if your dog urinates with joy?

Here are different situations and solutions adapted to each of them.

In this situation, it is highly recommended to prepare your dog for your return. All means are good ! You can :

If your dog knows your return is imminent, he will begin to process his emotions. You can also work or rework the departures and the returns to the house. This approach is particularly beneficial if your dog suffers from emotional dependence.

A dog can feel a deep joy at the idea of ​​going for a walk with his master or playing with him. Result: he urinates. If so, you should not overexcite him. Avoid telling him with a lot of enthusiasm that it's time for the walk. You must keep calm and repeat "softly" to your dog. Once again, the more the effusions are limited, the more the dog retains control.

This situation is very annoying but unfortunately very common. If you have guests, your dog urinates when they arrive. To remedy this, you must ask your dog to stay in the basket. If he does not obey, then he must be locked up in another room. Your companion should not welcome your guests with you under any circumstances. Once calm is restored, you can release your dog. Do not hesitate to ask your guests to contain themselves.

Call on a trainer: is this a solution?

Call on a canine trainer can be a solution to reduce or even eradicate happy peeing. This professional will share his expertise with you. After observing your dog, he will be able to provide you with the right methods. It is not uncommon for the educator to offer a desensitization of the dog. In other words, it will help your dog control all his emotions.