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NF DTU 53.1 - Textile floor coverings

Find below all the information relating to the DTU 53.1 - Textile floor coverings.

Application domain

The DTU 53.1 “Textile floor coverings” specifies the implementation prescriptions:

Subject to being carried out in accordance with the rules of the art, the new supports admitted by this DTU are:

NF DTU 53.1 – Revêtements de sol textiles

The implementation of textile floor coverings on old supports can be carried out by referring to the 2055-1 notebook of the CSTB "Guide for the renovation of the floors: Case of a new textile flooring".

The field of application of DTU 53.1 vise tous les bâtiments, quelle que soit leur destination, dans les pièces sèches d’indice E1au plus selon le classement UPEC, qu’ils soient neufs ou en rénovation.

It does not aim for the free installation of the coatings.

The version in force of this DTU, to the publication of this sheet, is that of April 2001.

Targeted materials

The coating materials targeted in the DTU 53.1 are:

Also given the requirements relating to any other material necessary for the implementation of a textile floor covering namely Thibaude, smoothing and ragid coating, glue, anchor strips, joints, threshold bars, etc..

Implementation : l’essentiel

Preliminary activities

The realization of preparatory work for the installation of a textile soil covering is conditioned in particular to:

Once the state of the site is checked, preparatory work can be carried out.They depend on the type of support and the type of installation as shown in the table below:


Textile floor covering considered



Title installation on Thibaude

Glued installation


Removable plumbing (DPA)

Nine other than with wood or asphalt screeds

Nettoyage et dépoussiérageApplication d’un enduit de lissageRéalisation d’un enduit de lissage ou de ragréage autolissant

New wood -based

Aucun travail préparatoire nécessaireApplication d’un produit de préparation spécifique (voir § 6.6.4 du DTU 53.1)

Asphalt screeds

Application d’un enduit de lissage

Old supports

Adequate arrangements to take when:

In addition, special attention must be paid to the degree of humidity of the front support for implementation as well as to the start of the heating installation in the case of a installation on a heating floor.


Textile floor coverings can come in the form of les or slabs.For the same room, the first must come from the same batch and be arranged in the same direction.The slabs must be, in general, laid in checkered.

For the installation of the slabs, the entrepreneur must make a layout beforehand to align the slabs in the two directions.

Several cases are to be considered:


The drawing carpet must see its connected patterns.
Celle collée ne doit pas présenter d’interstices entre les lés.
Les moquettes en petite largeur doivent présenter des coutures bien rectilignes.
Les revêtements en dalles doivent présenter des joints bien fermés.

N.B.: This sheet reports most of the DTU 53.1.It does not replace this normative document in any case.For any desired supplement on this type of implementation, consult the DTU available from AFNOR or CSTB.

Source: Batirama.com