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Soundproofing: a good hearing ...

Jean-Marc knows everything about your family quarrels, your favorite TV programs and perhaps even your marital antics.The problem is that Jean-Marc is neither a friend nor your psychologist.It's your neighbor.

Publié le 17 août 2019Sylvain Sarrazin La Presse

Even if progress has been made in terms of soundproofing, the fact remains that the walls (and ceilings) often have ears.Is it worth investing in acoustic insulation work, both in new and in the aging frame?What is the impact on the quality of life or the value of a property?

"The sound remains subjective.It all depends on the person who understands it, "recalls PierreButcher, co -owner of the company Majeau and brother.On equal volume, and notwithstanding the objective measures of a soundometer, some occupants will be more or less sensitive to it.But if the need arises, soundproofing can relieve the eardrums of the occupants.

Currently, multiple options exist for this type of work, which differ depending on the element to be isolate, either the walls or the ceiling.

For the former, if cavities allow, you can have rock wool, glass or cellulose.But the most common and effective technique remains the installation of one or two gypsum panels with a resilient bar.

"For the walls, we install a gyproc [Editor's note: a plasterboard, also called gypsum] with one or two resilient bars for separation.This is the principle that will give the best result, says PierreButcher.For the maintenance, we generally propose to make a trench 10 to 12 inches wide that we come to fill with cellulose.»»

"For an injection of cellulose, whatever the thickness, we speak of about $ 1.50 per square foot, to which must be added and repairing the ceiling. Donc, pour une superficie de 1200 pieds carrés, on sera à l’intérieur de 5000 $»», indique PierreButcher, d’Isolation Majeau et frère.

According to M.Butcher, about a week of work is to be expected.

Précision importante : l’injection de cellulose s’avère efficace pour réduire les bruits de type « aérien»» (conversations, son de télévision), mais ne réglera pas ceux dits « d’impact»» (typiquement, les bruits de pas ou d’objets qui tombent au sol).

To reduce these, you can insert, under a floating floor, an acoustic membrane.However, the opinion of an expert is strongly advised to choose the type of membrane, his performance being dependent on many variables.

Pour le plafond, « soit on installe une barre résiliente et un autre gyproc, soit on peut bâtir un nouveau plafond, installé sur des vibrateurs, et cette suspension indépendante va absorber les chocs»», explique M.Butcher.A more effective system, but which will greatly inflate the bill ...

Insonorisation : à bon entendeur...

Nevertheless, it remains very difficult to specifically estimate the number of attenuated decibels."The result differs from one job to another, warns M.Butcher, car il dépend de la composition des lieux.»»

This is evidenced by Stephen Blanchard, who built his semi-detached house in Saint-Philippe, on the South Shore of Montreal, providing for its soundproofing.

"I doubled the gyproc for fire, put on Sonopan [Editor's note: an soundproofing panel], resilient bars, but the sound still passes.I'm happy with the result, but I would have thought it would be more soundproofed. À moins de mettre des blocs de béton remplis, ça ne l’est jamais à 100 %»», souligne ce courtier immobilier.

Does an owner seeking to sell or a buyer seduced by a very little isolated is it interest in doing soundproofing work?

"Yes, it's worth it, it's still a plus and it will facilitate sale, launches Stéphanie Kpton, real estate broker at Re/Max du Cartier.This is often the first question that a buyer will ask. Parce qu’avec les prix des condos qu’on a aujourd’hui, on aimerait ça avoir un minimum d’insonorisation»», précise celle qui gère de nombreuses ventes dans l’arrondissement du Plateau-Mont-Royal.

But beware of old stylized residences.

« Certaines personnes vont accepter un manque d’insonorisation pour pouvoir garder le cachet du plâtre, de belles moulures au plafond»».

The question arises differently depending on the clientele, with different profiles: a small family looking for a ground floor with a courtyard may well buy a property despite low soundproofing. « Ils auront toujours le choix de le faire par la suite»», dit Mme Kimpton.On the other hand, occupants sensitive to noise should rather orient themselves towards a top floor.

The increase in monetary value of a soundproofing is not significant as such. Mais, au-delà de l’argument de vente, elle peut aussi avoir un « pouvoir de rétention»» sur d’éventuels locataires, indique Marcel Lapierre, copropriétaire d’Isolation Majeau.

In any case, it is recommended to collect the expert opinion and several quotes before embarking on this type of renovation.

Small strategies to be implemented, without having to embark on major sites, can help to complete soundproofing work.

• The carpets are your friends: carpet, thick carpets or soundproofing tiles can alleviate vibrations and reduce impact noises, for example in strategic places (children's room).

• The doors made with poor quality materials let the sounds pass.Their replacement should be studied in any soundproofing match plan.

• The quality of the windows influences enormously on the passage of outside noise.Triple glazing can be an option.