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War in Ukraine: the 3 days when Europe has changed

Friday February 25

02:30 // Brussels

Brussels sleeps.Some taxis, night workers or layer-tard arise from the street tunnel.Bleamed by public lighting, they press the accelerator and embark on the three lanes.In their mirrors, the headquarters of the Council of the European Union (EU) already disappear.

Night drivers have touched history without knowing it.It is 2:30 a.m..Behind the glass facades that overlook the great artery, the leaders of the twenty-seven have just shared six hours of unprecedented intensity.Often divided, sometimes torn apart, they got closer like never before.

"Europe has no choice but to become a power again"

Emmanuel Macron

In the center of the press room, Charles Michel comments on meeting with the rhetoric of big evenings."A moment of gravity, a moment of dignity, a moment of composure also," sums up the head of the European Council, fists tight in support of his words.To his left, Ursula von der Leyen draws from the same register, solemn, final, unequivocal."Today, the European Union has been united (...), this evening, European leaders were perfectly aligned," says the president of the commission, right in her beige jacket overdrawn.He returns to the French head of state, at the head of the EU council for six months, to conclude the partition of the triumvirate.Behind his desk, Emmanuel Macron launches his gaze in the distance and, the jaw a tense, is working to trace a path: "In the tragic times that we live, Europe has no choice but to become again,Maybe I will dare to say, a power.»»

Le « PR»», comme on l’appelle dans le protocole, n’a pas fermé l’œil depuis qu’il y a près de vingt-quatre heures, les premiers bombardements russes ont retenti en Ukraine.kyiv, Marioupol, Kharkiv, Odessa ... The main cities of this great neighbor and friend of the EU woke up under the fire of the explosions.The old continent, who believed in it forever, returns to war.For real.It is on its doors that she rumbles, 1,500 km from Berlin, 800 from Warsaw, 500 from Bucharest ...

→ Tribune. Union européenne : « Laisser tomber l’Ukraine serait un signe de lâcheté»»

Vladimir Putin has been hovering for several weeks.Monday, February 21, she increased when the latter recognized the independence of the Donbass republics.A signal, for the Élysée, where a few diplomats have lasted to decipher the intentions of the Kremlin master for months.We must react.Emmanuel Macron therefore suggests to Charles Michel that the twenty-seven urgently meet on Thursday 24 in the evening.The chairman of the council agrees and, on Wednesday 23, his services made the invitation leave.Some leaders are not convinced of the need for the summit.The next day, the crash of the bombs imposes it as obvious.

With Volodymyr Zelensky, the war burst into Brussels wadding

D’ordinaire, les conseillers diplomatiques entrent et sortent de la grande salle du « conclave»». Ils y glanent une information, vont la partager avec leur équipe, reviennent… Mais cette fois, c’est « leaders only»», pour employer le jargon bruxellois.Even notes takers have no city right. Un huis clos exceptionnel qui permet « une conversation très libre»», selon une source à l’Élysée.In the minds of Baltic or Polish leaders, the Russian invasion revives the trauma of the Soviet period.Around the oval table, behind the closed doors, they can share their anxieties in all sincerity.A family catharsis which reaches its peak with the video intervention of the Ukrainian president.

→ to read.Faced with the crisis in Ukraine, concern grows in the Nordic countries and the Baltic countries

When the now traditional Olive green t-shirt by Volodymyr Zelensky appears on the screen, war burst into the Burussels wadding. Attaques russes, état des forces ukrainiennes, pertes… Son point de situation « impressionne tout le monde»», confieront plusieurs chefs d’État à leur entourage. L’ancien acteur évoque l’adhésion de son pays à l’Otan et à l’UE avant de lancer un appel à l’aide « bouleversant»».Decisive awareness in the council room.

→ Portrait.Ukrainian crisis, the brutal awakening of Volodymyr Zelensky

Mais comment répondre ? L’équation relève du casse-tête : « soutenir l’Ukraine sans faire la guerre à la Russie»», résume une source à l’Élysée.In his hands, Vladimir Putin has the formidable gas weapon. S’il en suspendait les livraisons, le président russe placerait les Européens en situation de manque de cette « drogue»» dont ils dépendent fortement : 45 % du gaz importé par l’UE provient de Russie, et même 55 % pour l’Allemagne. L’équipe d’Ursula von der Leyen, consciente de cette fragilité depuis des mois, a donc planché sur un arsenal de restrictions calibrées, censées « nuire davantage à ceux que l’on vise»», d’après un diplomate.The leaders have them in front of them.They are consensus.They adopt them in less than an hour.

The twenty-seven chose to target the portfolio. Désormais, Moscou ne pourra plus lever des fonds en Europe ni s’y approvisionner en technologies « cruciales»», comme les composants électroniques… Impossible également pour les Russes les plus fortunés de faire des dépôts supérieurs à 100 000 € dans les banques du Vieux Continent.But for the moment, they do not access the request of Volodymyr Zelensky to exclude Russia from Swift, an interbank network facilitating international transactions.Germany, Hungary, Italy and Austria are still afraid of leaving feathers.

→ to read.War in Ukraine: NATO red alert in the face of the new Russian deal

La riposte honore-t-elle vraiment le moment « de gravité»» évoqué par Charles Michel ? « Durant le conseil, il y a quand même déjà un message de grande fermeté avec la Russie, analyse une source française.And it is clear that thereafter, we will add several layers of sanctions.»» Autrement dit, cette nuit-là, les dirigeants ont enclenché d’un même geste la machine contre Poutine.Among them, the most timid have understood that half-measures is over.

09:00 // Berlin

The day starts badly for Olaf Scholz.The German chancellor has the features drawn.Like Emmanuel Macron, he sleeps less than usual these days.But the comparison stops there.His French friend has the beautiful role in the tragedy that is written.Since his election, five years ago, he has pleaded for the strategic awakening of the old continent.And now with his war, Vladimir Putin agrees to him.

→ to read.Crisis in Ukraine: the former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, pariah in his own country

The opposite for Olaf Scholz.By invading Ukraine, the Kremlin throws a raw light on the bad role held for a long time by Germany.That of a pragmatic state forgetful of the principles, of a myopic who sees a partner in the enemy. « La politique allemande envers la Russie consiste à considérer qu’il faut lui parler, la comprendre et ne pas mettre ses intérêts en péril»», analyse l’ancien eurodéputé franco-allemand Daniel Cohn-Bendit.A tradition so anchored in the SPD, the party of Olaf Scholz, that Gerhard Schröder, one of his former presidents, joined the Russian oil group Rosneft after seven years at the Chancellery.How, at a time when the tanks threaten kyiv, do not blush?

Behind the scenes, the Chancellor is preparing a revolution for Germany

Pressures fall on the chancellor's shoulders.This Friday, Polish Donald Tusk draws the first. « Ces gouvernements européens qui bloquent les décisions difficiles (soit l’Allemagne, la Hongrie, l’Italie) se sont déshonorés»», écrit, en anglais, l’ancien premier ministre et ex-président du Conseil européen sur le réseau social Twitter.A reference to reluctance, expressed the day before in Brussels, to suspend Russia of Swift.

Olaf Scholz takes with its eternal phlegm.In Berlin, some of his political adversaries see it as softness, inconsistency.But the former Minister of Finance reserves them a surprise behind his scowling mine.They will have to wait for the Bundestag special session, which he announced in the morning for Sunday 27, to discover it.What will be the agenda?Olaf Scholz has not delivered any detail ...

→ Analysis.With the war in Ukraine, Germany breaks its taboos

Behind the scenes, the Chancellor is preparing a revolution for Germany, révélera l’hebdomadaire Der Spiegel a posteriori.His closer advisers, during the night, wrote the draft of the scenario he will expose to deputies.Angela Merkel's successor cannot veil his face: while Europe is trembling, its first economic power does not have the military means to retaliate.Years of austerity, combined with self -censorship to make you forget its shameful past, have reduced the Bundeswehr to Sangrian skin. « Je n’aurais jamais cru, après quarante et un ans de service en période de paix, devoir faire l’expérience d’une guerre et que l’armée, que je dirige, soit plus ou moins nue»», s’est indigné, dans la matinée, Alfons Mais, le chef de l’armée de terre, dans un post sur LinkedIn.Humiliation must stop.Olaf Scholz suits it: it is on the army that must be bet.

15:30 // online

NATO members connect to a virtual crisis meeting. Au menu : un « point de situation»» sur l’Ukraine.Italian Mario Draghi, Turkish Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Briton Boris Johnson, Canadian Justin Trudeau ... The mosaic of vignettes appears on the screen.

Guerre en Ukraine : les 3 jours où l’Europe a basculé

Office in the foreground, flags in the background: same decor for each, with a few details.Ursula von der Leyen stands at the end of a rectangular table, surrounded by Baltic leaders and central Europe.At the head of ex-satellites or republics of the Soviet Union, they have terrible memories and as many fears in common, which they decided to share by meeting in Warsaw.As soon as the Brussels Summit was completed, the president of the commission climbed on a plane to join them.We must show them support, reassure them.Stockholm and Helsinki too.They do not belong to NATO but, on the front line against Russia by geography, they were invited.

Putin's war brought Sweden out of its traditional neutrality.The public debate on NATO membership is relaunched.Defense and security, themes hitherto Honnis à Stockholm, occupy discussions.A small revolution for the Scandinavian kingdom. « Nous avons pris conscience que nous faisons partie d’un ensemble occidental dont nous partageons les intérêts»», analyse une source suédoise.

→ A few weeks before.Faced with Russia, Finland ready to integrate NATO

On the screen, the secretary general of NATO deciphers the intentions of the Kremlin. « Il faut l’admettre : les objectifs et les revendications de Poutine ne s’arrêtent pas en Ukraine»», alerte Jens Stoltenberg, d’après Der Spiegel.Difficult not to agree ... The recall to the order of Joe Biden, on the other hand, leaves more perplexed: "Everyone, now, must do a little more and take their responsibilities.»»

The allies leave themselves after having acted a strengthening of their contingents at the eastern borders of Europe.To avoid providing a pretext for attack to Vladimir Putin, it will be limited. Mais l’Otan peut-elle être le seul bouclier ? Il y a deux ans, Emmanuel Macron, qui participe à la réunion depuis le ministère des armées, l’avait presque enterrée en la déclarant en « état de mort cérébrale»».His conviction: it is more than ever at the European level that we must play.

Saturday February 26

09:00 // Rome

The nuance weighs nothing against the tragic.So, this Saturday morning, Mario Draghi does not skimple. Quand il téléphone à Volodymyr Zelensky, ce n’est pas seulement pour l’assurer de la « solidarité»» de l’Italie.He knows that the Ukrainian president, under the bombs, expects more than beautiful words ... The Italian Prime Minister, hitherto Timoré on the suspension of Swift, therefore makes a strong commitment: he joins the line that the EU will stop onThis sanction. « Super Mario»»– son surnom quand il dirigeait la Banque centrale européenne – ne s’arrête pas là. Il promet aussi une aide à l’Ukraine lui permettant de « se défendre elle-même»».What more can be said ?Volodymyr Zelensky obtained the case with Italian.Immediately giving advertising to his victory, he welcomed it at 10:26 am (kyiv time) in a tweet. C’est « le début d’une nouvelle page d’histoire entre nos États»», Mario Draghi « a soutenu la suspension de la Russie de Swift»».The twittosphere is taken to witness.The Italian Prime Minister can no longer go back.

The latter has come a long way. Lundi 21, le Wall Street Journal qualifiait encore Rome de « maillon faible»» de l’Occident face à la Russie.And for good reason.In the 5 -star movement as in the League, two parties with a populist tendency members of the government, sympathies for Russia, if not for Vladimir Putin, are not ashamed.Italy also depends on Moscow.She buys 45 % of the gas it imports.This is why the former student of the Jesuits does not exclude, at the beginning of the week, to take a jump in the Russian capital and demands European sanctions which preserve the energy sector ...

The reality of the war ended up being right for its prejudices.The day before, he had learned the lessons from history before the deputies: "The events of these days show the imprudence of not having diversified our energy and suppliers of energy in recent decades more.»»

Early afternoon // berlin

Navy blue suit, Mateusz Morawiecki descends from his Mercedes.Olaf Scholz is waiting for him on the red carpet.Exchange of looks, brief handshake: the protocol is respected.But the heart is not there on the side of the Polish Prime Minister.On an express visit to his neighbor, he has just kept a conference in front of his press compatriots in Berlin. « Ce n’est pas le moment aujourd’hui de faire preuve de l’égoïsme en béton que nous voyons dans certains pays occidentaux, y compris ici, en Allemagne, hélas»», les a-t-il prévenus avant de filer à la chancellerie.The pressure increases on the shoulders of Olaf Scholz.

He expected.In Brussels, the day before, the activism of the former Polish banker, engaged in adolescence in the ranks of the anti -Communist Solidarnosc, did not escape him.In a letter to Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel, Mateusz Morawiecki demanded uncompromising restrictions against Moscow: freezing of the accounts of the oligarchs, closure of the airspace to Russian planes and ... exclusion from the Swift system.The famous sanction on which Germany has still not compared.

Durant leur entretien, le premier ministre polonais entend ouvrir les yeux de son hôte : s’il gagne, Vladimir Poutine ne s’en tiendra pas à l’Ukraine, c’est un fanatique, il veut reconstruire la grande Russie… Mateusz Morawiecki n’a pas meilleur argument que l’histoire de son propre pays, envahi en 1939 par les armées de Staline au nom de « la protection des minorités russes et biélorusses»».No, really, Germany can no longer consider Moscow as a partner to spare.

Olaf Scholz takes note.In reality, he has already opened his eyes.Others, within his team, helped him there.Above all, the green Robert Habeck, who already pleaded for the sending of weapons to Ukraine before becoming Minister of the Economy and Vice-Chancellor.It was in the spring of 2021. « À l’époque, tout le monde lui est tombé dessus, même Olaf Scholz»», se souvient Daniel Cohn-Bendit.Almost a year later, his audacity rings just.Just like the calls in Estonia.For several weeks, she has been asking Olaf Scholz to let her export German manufacturing weapons to Ukraine-according to rules across the Rhine, such delivery in conflict zone is only possible with the approval ofBerlin.The day before, the Netherlands resumed the torch.They want to send to kyiv 400 anti-tank rocket launchers made in Germany.

→ Chronicle.Russia and Ukraine, History and memory

Taken in noise, the chancellor no longer has the choice.Refusing to isolate his country. Il doit dire « oui»» aux livraisons d’armes, directes ou indirectes.But he must still convince his Minister of Foreign Affairs.For months, Annalena Baerbock has not bored: no military support, nor withdrawal from Swift.Dialogue.The purest expression of German diplomatic pragmatism.So much for the display.But basically, Olaf Scholz's former opponent in Battle for the Chancellery cannot forget Sergei Lavrov's rope, his Russian counterpart.In January, she made the trip to Moscow to meet him.At the time, troops were already massing on the Ukrainian border.The chief of diplomacy swears him having only one compass: the Minsk agreements, adopted in 2014 and supposed to end the fighting in eastern Ukraine.The rest will demonstrate the full extent of his sincerity ... A betrayal that Annalena Baerbock did not digest. « Pour elle, un point de retour a été franchi, elle a été très touchée»», note Daniel Cohn-Bendit.So she ends up giving in.

The dikes dropped.At the end of the day, the press release can fall.Germany will deliver weapons to kyiv-1,000 rocket launcher, 500 sol-air missiles, 9 howles.Logically, it also gives the green light to Estonia and the Netherlands.Berlin agrees at the same time to suspend the main Russian banks of the Swift network.Across the Rhine, this is an unprecedented upheaval.It has pulverized taboos that have crushed the military thing for decades, as is the old tradition of partnership with Moscow.

Sunday, February 27

11:00 // Berlin

Olaf Scholz chose a Bordeaux tie this morning.It was necessary to mark the occasion: he is about to amaze the deputies and the whole world.Under the dome of the Bundestag, the chancellor listens to the president, Bärbel Bas, unroll the agenda.A few minutes separate Olaf Scholz from the big jump, from this point of no return which can make it a place in history books.

At 11:07 a.m., Bärbel Low leaves him the field.The former mayor of Hamburg then rises from his royal blue seat, slides his mask in his right pocket and, flexible on his supports, plants himself in the gallery.He can start: "February 24 marks a turning point in the history of our continent.(...) The invasion of Ukraine has brought us into a new era.»» Ce n’est pas aux seuls élus mais à toute la nation que s’adresse le discret successeur d’Angela Merkel – « taiseux»», pour ses adversaires. « Je sais exactement de quels problèmes, à travers le pays, les habitants parlent au dîner ces jours-ci»», poursuit-il.As a good father of the German people, he is unaware of the resurgence of collective anxieties. « Beaucoup d’entre nous ont encore à l’esprit les récits de guerre de nos parents et de nos grands-parents»», atteste-t-il.

In a few words, the Chancellor gives back his letters of nobility to the German forces

On the balcony, the Ukraine ambassador to Germany does not miss one of the Chancellor's words.For the moment, he cannot be satisfied with it.Andriy Melnik expects commitments.But Olaf Scholz has spared its effect.It was not until 11:24, seventeen minutes after starting, that he orchestrates his dramatic stroke. « Nous allons mettre en place un fonds spécial pour la Bundeswehr»», annonce-t-il.The sentence looks like nothing, but it begins a revolution across the Rhine. « La timidité vis-à-vis de la défense est inhérente à la culture politique allemande»», rappelle Hélène Miard-Delacroix, historienne spécialiste de l’Allemagne contemporaine et professeur à Sorbonne Université.

The decades may have passed, they did not erase the Nazi past of the army.It still sticks to the skin of each soldier, is embedded with the buttonholes of the uniforms and on the walls of the armored vehicles.And now, in a few words, the German chancellor gives his letters of nobility to the German forces.He takes short even the initiates."I was blown away because I know this country well and its reserves on the army," says the historian.At the same time, I understand this choice very well.»»

→ Understand. En Allemagne, 100 milliards pour une armée « efficace et ultramoderne»»

Olaf Scholz does not stick to a general announcement.He's going in detail.The special fund will have ... 100 billion euros.The equivalent of the annual defense budget of France and Russia gathered.This sum will allow Berlin to gradually meet the requirements of NATO (2 % of GDP devoted to military spending).Only rare relatives and the ministers concerned - defense, finance, economy - were in the confidence.

Under the Bundestag dome, elected officials get up when, at 11:36 a.m., Olaf Scholz brings together the leaves of his speech.In the balcony, the Ukrainian ambassador joins their applause.Only the ends of the hemicycle remain motionless.What does it matter.The chancellor has just had an appointment with his destiny.

5:00 PM // Brussels

Ursula von der Leyen has his eyes heavy with fatigue.She too has an appointment with her destiny.The former Minister of Defense of Angela Merkel acquired it: the EU cannot stick to the sanctions announced in the early morning of February 25.Since then, Russian troops have progressed in Ukraine ... By threatening its neighbors, Vladimir Putin provides him with an opportunity to deploy the whole power of the commission.Patitened for its bureaucracy and slowness, mocked for its jargon, the institution which it directs decides to activate all the tools it has.And too bad if the frame must be exploded.

Vers 17 h 30, Ursula von der Leyen fait son entrée au « VIP Corner»», un coin presse réservé aux urgences, et va droit au but : « Pour la première fois, l’UE va financer l’achat et la fourniture d’armement pour un pays en conflit.»» Du jamais-vu pour une institution née sur les cendres encore fumantes de la guerre, avec la vocation d’en prévenir de nouvelles.But the invasion of Ukraine has demonstrated the limits of such a project.How to achieve it by renouncing any possibility of using force?

« On a changé d’époque»»

General Jean-Paul Perruche, from the Think Tank Eurobéfense-France

In detail, Brussels will unlock an envelope of 450 million euros for the purchase of weapons and another of 50 million for fuel. Le tout sera prélevé sur la « facilité européenne de paix»», un outil tout neuf qui n’avait encore jamais servi.Experts are still amazed. « Il y a un mois, l’annonce de von der Leyen sur les 500 millions d’aides m’aurait paru impensable»», reconnaît le général Jean-Paul Perruche, président du think tank EuroDéfense-France."This is proof that we have changed times.»»

The choice of Ursula von der Leyen, which also announces the suspension of the main Russian banks of Swift, is rooted in a reflection started in the 2010s in Brussels."The past few years have mentally prepared us to pull ourselves, to think about how to take our own fate," recalls a European diplomat.We planned on a strategic compass, but it is a theoretical exercise, hypothetical. Et maintenant, tchac ! Voilà que la réalité nous dépasse !»»

→ Analysis.War in Ukraine: in Versailles, the European Union takes a step towards more sovereignty

Like his compatriot Olaf Scholz a few hours earlier, Ursula von der Leyen seized the pole stretched by history."European facility of peace is really its initiative, recognizes a French source.Ursula von der Leyen was effective.If, in these moments, you don't be leadership, you don't do your job.By putting the idea on the table, she created the movement.»» Un mouvement impossible sans le pas de géant franchi par l’Allemagne. « Le discours d’Olaf Scholz a été décisif et a embarqué l’UE»», analyse Sébastien Maillard, directeur de Notre Europe-Institut Jacques Delors.

For three days, the stars aligned themselves to switch Europe in the age of maturity."Vladimir Putin thought that Europeans would not be up to the task and that they would take usual sanctions," said Clément Beaune, the Secretary of State for European Affairs.He was wrong.The EU has shown its ability to innovate, imagine solutions and be resilient.Our reaction is precisely due to the fact that we are attached to democracy and the defense of a model of society which is attacked today in Ukraine.»»

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