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How to wash a jacket

How to wash a jacket at home by hand or machine? Whether the jacket is leather, suede, wool,  in polyester or velvet, find out how to clean your jacket. How to wash a jacket...

Washing or cleaning a leather jacket

Leather does not wash!  The leather is fragile, and does not support wet cleaning well.

Leather Jacket Care

- Never use strong stain removers which may strip the leather. 

- Before using a stain remover, test it with a cotton swab on an inconspicuous corner: a pocket or hem. And if ever the leather seems altered by the product, abandon it to switch to another

- Clean it gently, without ever rubbing the jacket. Proceed by circular gestures, without ever insisting too much

- To clean leather, use  a cotton ball. An abrasive sponge could irreparably damage the leather

- Protect the leather with a stain repellent

leather jacket3 products to clean your leather jacket 

- Cleansing milk

Make-up remover milk and creamy milk for cleaning baby are very effective for maintaining leather that is not too dirty.

How to clean a leather jacket with makeup remover

Pour a small amount of cleansing milk onto a cotton ball then gently rub it, using circular movements, over the entire surface of the jacket.

Do not hesitate to renew the cotton as soon as it gets dirty.

Let it dry then wipe the leather with a soft cloth or cotton.

- Glycerine soap

Glycerine soap is for cleaning a dirty or stained leather jacket.

How to clean a leather jacket with glycerin soap

Pass over the entire surface of the jacket and especially on the neckline, without ever insisting too much, with circular movements a sponge washcloth moistened with water and added with glycerin soap.

Twist the glove to wring it well.  

Then rinse with a glove moistened with water.

Dab with a towel, then let dry. 

- White vinegar

White vinegar is for use on a very dirty leather jacket.

How  cleaning a leather jacket with vinegar

Spray  on the whole jacket and in particular on the neckline a compound solution  50% water, 50% white vinegar. 

Leave on for about 3 minutes, then clean the neckline with a clean damp sponge. Blot dry with a glove or towel.

 Suede Jacket

How to wash a jacket

Washing or cleaning a suede jacket

Some unlined suede jackets can even be machine washed.

Before washing the jacket, read the label.

how to wash a suede jacket

Machine wash the jacket on the wool programme, wool detergent, with a minimum spin.

Then hang the jacket on a plastic hanger with wide shoulder pads and let it drain and dry.

2 products to clean a suede jacket

- Soda Crystals

Soda ash solution is good for a dirty suede jacket.

How to clean suede jacket with soda crystals

Pour into a small bowl (a bowl will do) hot water which you will mix with the soda crystals (1 liter of hot water for a cup of soda crystals)

Lay the jacket flat on a towel.

Dip a washcloth in the washing soda solution.

Wring it out well.

With your hand in the wrung-out glove, clean the jacket, paying particular attention to stains, the collar and the cuffs.

Warning, do not soak the jacket. The glove should only be damp.

With the jacket cleaned, dry it with a dry terrycloth washcloth.  As soon as the washcloth gets dirty, change it.

Let the jacket dry on a hanger.

- Diluted Ammonia

Ammonia cleaning is fine for a heavily soiled suede jacket.

This cleaning must take place exceptionally, with the window wide open, the hands protected by household gloves, and taking care not to breathe the vapors given off by this product.

How to clean suede jacket with ammonia

Soak a clean sponge in soapy water with a few drops of ammonia.

Wet the sponge in this solution, wring it well, then wipe it all over  the surface of the garment, emphasizing the stains and the neckline.

Then wipe the suede garment with a sponge soaked in clean water (wrung out) to remove the ammonia.

Rub  in all directions, but gently, a sponge washcloth to dry the garment.

Hang the garment on a wide-shouldered plastic hanger and let it air dry.