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12 ideas to copy urgently to pass your decor in winter mode!

In order not to be too cold at home, it's time to modify your decor.So we go from a fall decoration to a winter decor, thanks to a few tips.Soft plaids, woolen carpet or hot water bottles will be your best allies.

12 idées à copier d’urgence pour passer sa déco en mode hiver !

Cold and gel: How to pass your decor in winter mode?

Nothing like spending time at home, in a cozy and comfortable cocoon.Exit the summer and fall decoration: it is time to create a cozy atmosphere to face winter.Multiply the cozy plaids on the sofa as well as the woolen carpets on the ground.Also remember to add beautiful lights to accentuate the brightness, especially when the days will shorten.Finally, choose warm and deep colors (terracotta, vin-brown, very pantone peri…) for a soft and warm decor this winter.

Sur le même sujetSalon cocooning : 24 façons d’adopter une déco cosy

How to get warmer at home?

To get warmer at home, without exploding your heating bill, just trick.A tip is to isolate your accommodation upstream (the attic, the roof, the walls, etc.).Also remember to make the stockings of doors and windows.Finally, don't forget to install thick curtains to counter the arrival of the cold.In terms of bedding, favor hot duvets and comforting materials, such as velvet, wool ...

>>> Envie d’autres idées pour décorer votre intérieur cet hiver ? Rendez-vous sur Damidéco, le nouveau site lancé par Valérie Damidot !

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