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5 DIY Déco with a wooden branch for a natural touch at home

Envie d’apporter une touche rustique à votre intérieur sans pour autant donner l’impression que vous habitez dans une étable ? Alors vous allez adorer nos DIY ultra simples et faciles à réaliser avec une branche de bois !
Le bois tendance : le bouleau.Its whitish bark makes this essence particularly popular for DIY branches.
N'oubliez pas de bien nettoyer votre branche, voire, si nécessaire, de la traiter avec une couche de produit spécial bois ou de vernis mat.And use a dry branch.

1) Make a coat rack with a wooden branch

Equipment :

Sur le même sujet 3 DIY déco ultra simples à réaliser avec peu de moyens30 décorations en bois pour un Noël nature33 têtes de lit en bois pour une déco de chambre nature

Start by cutting the twigs exceeding your wooden branches while taking care not to remove them entirely.These are the latter that will serve as hooks on which you will hang your clothes.

Then arrange the other two branches of wood horizontally, then fix it, vertically, the three branches you have just cut.

For those who do not want to take the lead (and who do not intend to hang heavy clothes), you can use extra strong glue, otherwise, the best is to use nails and a hammer.

Once it is done, take your wood creation and fix it on the wall using large nails and a hammer.
Si vous avez l’intention d’y suspendre des manteaux lourds, utilisez plutôt des vis et un tournevis (attention, c’est plus difficile !).And There you go !

​Regarding the length and number of hooks of your coat rack, it all depends on you and your tastes!​

Advice: Remember to ask someone to keep the coat of coat on you on the wall while you fix it so that it does not move.Also remember to check that it is straight before fixing it, using a bubble level.​​​​

2) Make a headboard with one or more branches of wood

Equipment :

5 DIY déco avec une branche de bois pour une touche nature chez soi

Screw the pitons on the wall so that the hole is upwards.Make sure that all pitons are aligned and do not hesitate to draw a pencil to make sure they are straight.

Slide the wooden branches in the peaks...and There you go !Yourself with the original, unique and inexpensive headboard.

Tip: For a most stylish effect, remember to alternate the lengths of your wooden branches. ​​

3) Make a wall decoration with a wooden branch

Equipment :

You just have to fix your wooden branch to the wall using nails and a hammer, or hooks and strings, or even fishing wire for the invisible side.For this last option, fix the hook high enough so that it is not visible when you look at your wall decoration.

​For those who want to go further, know that you can repaint your wooden branch in the color of your choice (white, gold, silver, fluorescent...) or that you can dress it from your mini LED light garland to transform it into a natural and original light.​

4) Make a curtain rod with a wooden branch

Equipment :

Unless you have found the perfect wooden branch, you will have to start with the dimensions of the width of your original curtain rod.Don't cut it too short otherwise it might not hold.
​Faites également attention aux brindilles dépassant qui pourrait vous empêcher de fermer et ouvrir correctement vos rideaux.You may need to file cut branches to facilitate the passage of the rings.

​Once it is done, you can repaint it or directly install your eyelet curtain, then put it in your rod support.And that's all !​

5) Create a briax holder with a wooden branch

Equipment :

Press a few points on your wooden branch.These will serve as hooks for your jewelry, like the twigs.

Prepare a slightly flexible plaster and pour it into your pot (in generous quantity, then wedge your wooden branch in the center and hold it with pens, pieces of wood or covered ds placed on the rim of the pot, while waitingthat the plaster take around.
Tenez-la bien la branche doit tenir à la verticale jusqu'à ce que le plâtre soit sec et le fixe bien.

Ultra simple et facile, ce porte-bijoux réalisé avec une branche de bois fera son petit effet !

Pour accrocher vos nombreux sautoirs, pensez au porte-bijoux mural.The principle is simple: you just have to fix a few nails on a wooden branch and then hang it on the wall with string and a hook or nails.​​
Vous pouvez aussi y fixer de petits pitons que vous aurez pris soin de peindre en doré ou couleur bronze à la bombe.

Do you want more DIY with a wooden branch?

Lamp, screen, storage or candlestick: quickly discover the many DIYs to make with a wooden branch that we have spotted for you on Pinterest!

© guidepatternsUne tringle à voilage réalisée avec une branche de bois