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According to experts, here are officially the dirty objects in the bathroom!

Incredible, but true: the bathroom is the room where the most microbes are.Here are the dirty objects in the bathroom!


If it is supposed to be a room where we take care of our hygiene, the bathroom is actually a huge microbes nest.In question ?Heat and humidity, conducive to the accumulation of bacteria.

Selon les experts, voici officiellement les objets les plus sales de la salle de bains !

What are the dirty objects in the bathroom?

Many objects from the bathroom are real bacteria nests.This is the case indeed with the bathtub, the shower and the sink: the edges can quickly mold due in particular to the remains of soaps and shampoos, but also water that stagnates.Also, you will be surprised to learn that sponges, toothbrushes and towels are often infested with microbes.This is why it is important to clean them and change them regularly.

Clean the bathroom: how to keep it clean every day?

To prevent the bathroom from becoming a real microbes nest, it is important to clean it regularly.With a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar, disinfect the sink, the shower and the bathtub.Do not forget the fittings and the shower head.Proceed at least once a week.Also remember to wash the floors, without forgetting the underside of the basin furniture!Finally, place your bath towels in the washing machine, once every two weeks to ensure a clean and healthy laundry!

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Mariah Gilbert

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