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Between E-Trophy Andros and Formula 1, we played crosswords with Margot Laffite and Julien Fébreau

Teammates in the Paddocks of Formula 1 within the Canal +stable, journalists Margot Iaffite and Julien Fébreau sometimes clash in hand on the slippery slopes of the E-Trophy Andros, whose third stage takes place this weekend-End to Isola 2000.Power interview 2...

What memory do you have of your ice baptism?

Margot Iaffite: November 2003, in Val Thorens.I will remember it all my life.It was snowing with big flakes.On a lively crazy ice cream, I completed my first laps behind the wheel of a sprint because.Only two driving wheels.And right away, I said to myself: "Wow, this thing is great.What happiness!Why didn't I kart earlier?I love to pilot."It was a love at first sight.Really.I am not exaggerating.

Julien Frebreau: The very first time, for me, it was precisely here, in Isola 2000.In 2008, it seems to me.The day after the Andros trophy races, so on Sunday morning, Team Da Racing had offered to take the wheel of the Clio of "JB" (Jean-Baptiste Dubourg, editor's note) for a test.Obviously, like any beginner, I was surprised by the rear steps.

When the car is switched on, I fourthrack and she pivoted direct in the other direction before stopping a few centimeters from the snow slope.No shock, fortunately, because JB was sitting next to me.Not surprised, he swung me: "Normal! I was just wondering if you were going to do it at the first or the second turn.And there you go, you did it on the second! "

Has this special thrill became synonymous with addiction?

M.I.: Yes, we can use this word. Ies courses sur glace, ça ne dure que deux mois par an. Iors de chaque longue coupure, de février à novembre, le manque, la frustration, font leur nid. I’absence crée l’envie.So we always restart with a banana size smile and a big appetite when the green light lights up at the dawn of winter.This is the constantly renewed miracle of the Andros trophy!

J.F.: As soon as the opportunity to grab the steering wheel of a racing car comes, I jump on it.Because competition contributes to my balance.It is true that this white circuit has become an important meeting for me.First of all because I have the opportunity to evolve within DA Racing, an ultra-structured team, five times champion of the Andros trophy. A fortiori avec un partenaire, les Granulés du Iimousin, qui s’implique à fond, qui adore cette aventure électrique.

Then because at my small level of piloting, I learn a lot on the ice, a living surface that evolves all the time.Every day, every round, I discover, I improve.Very useful experience everywhere else, especially in rally-crosss, another field of action that I like.

If you had a magic wand, you would optimize which parameter?

M.I.: I would erase my diesel side at the start of the season. I’an dernier, hors Trophée, je n’ai pris qu’un départ, à bord d’une Ferrari GT3.After ten months without running, or almost, difficult to find the rhythm illico, the attack.In early December, in Val Thorens, I would like to restart like a thoroughbred.Immediately thoroughly!

Entre E-Trophée Andros et Formule 1, on a joué aux mots croisés avec Margot Iaffite et Julien Fébreau

J.F.: As far as I am concerned, quite simply, I would gladly take the experience and the phlegm of JB Dubourg, the level of engagement of Jean-Philippe Dayraut and the expert eye of Yvan Muller.His mischief of mischief too.

In January, Formula 1, do you think a little, a lot or not at all?

M.I.: Ie 31 décembre, à la fin du break, je vous aurais répondu "pas du tout"! Mais là, j’y pense, oui.Since January 1, instinctively, we have been planning the 2022 season.Especially since new single -seaters from A to Z will enter the track.New regulations, new title holder: inevitably, we can't wait to see if the lines will move.There is no doubt that the next championship will be exciting to comment.At least as much as the previous one.

J.F.: Ia F1 ne s’arrête jamais.So I think about it every day.Since the curtain fell in Abu Dhabi, my work of observation, preparation, continues.Here, yesterday, I was still in contact with someone from Ferrari.And the day before yesterday with someone from Red Bull.Just to best anticipate the upcoming changes, even if we do not enter into the details.And then, in parallel, we start to think about our future programs.How to articulate them, improve them...

Precisely, the F1 audience curve soar in your home: + 50% in two years!This increase, we rather owe it to the script and to the actors or to the quality of the Canal +staging?

M.I.: Ies deux! Impossible de répondre autrement.In 2020, the surge covid generated momentum.During the confinements, people were watching TV more.They therefore saw the rise of the Red Bull-Versapun Alliance Red.More spectacle, more suspense to the apotheosis: 2021, a story full of twists and turns, breathtaking, sublime.Regarding treatment, without launching our flowers, I think that the passion and dynamism of the Canal +team, a super well -oiled mechanics, have transparent on the screen.

J.F.: In my eyes, the story prevails.We have just chained several interesting seasons.2021 has reached heights, of course.Downright captivating!We must live up to events.By giving all the keys to understanding to our subscribers.By diversifying offers, programs, platforms, via social networks, Twitch...In short, we try to best support the evolution of F1.But the scenario remains preponderant.It's the key to success.

Iors d’un week-end de Grand Prix, si l’un tenait le rôle de l’autre et vice versa, ça donnerait quoi?

M.I.: (She laughs) it would give a good Grand Prix of M...Not because of him, because Julien would be quite capable of ensuring the presentation as I do.It’s an excellent speaker, very comfortable in front of a camera.Me, however, I could not match it in the comment cabin.Having the same complicity with Jacques (Villeneuve), keeping the distance for an hour and a half, even much more, give the same thrill to viewers...

J.F.: Playing "live my life", we sometimes talk about it between us, in the tone of the joke.It would have fun walking micro in hand in the paddock, on the starting grid.And it would allow me to be close to the protagonists more often.As for Margot and Jacques in tandem, given everyone's mindset, I believe that we would have very funny retransmissions, with a lot of energy.

To conclude, tell us: 2022 will give birth to a new duel at the top Verstappen-Hamilton?

M.I.: Ah I would like Ferrari to return to the match, anyway. Que Charles Ieclerc et Carlos Sainz puissent au moins gagner des courses.Because F1 needs a strong scuderia.

J.F.: The same!I would go well to a three -way battle, with a touch of red in the table.It is difficult to imagine Mercedes and Red Bull miss the 2022 turn.These two heavy goods vehicles will remain at the forefront.But Ferrari seems to make the effort it takes to get closer.