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Contact case: What are the instructions?

Have you been in contact with a person tested positive for the COVVI-19?Since the end of July, the instructions have evolved and have taken into account the vaccination and immune status.Test, isolation duration ... Here are the rules to be observed according to your situation.

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Did you spend time with a person tested positive for COVVI-19 or you were alerted by health insurance or the allanticvid application that you were in contact with?You will have to respect certain instructions in the coming days but the driving to be held will not be the same according to your vaccination status.

How do you know if you are in contact?

Let us first remember that you are considered as contact as you have been in contact with a person contaminated by the COVVI-19 without effective protective measurement.This is the case if you have had direct contact with it less than two meters away whatever the duration (conversation, meals, etc..), if you are in the same room for at least 15 consecutive or cumulative minutes over 24 hours or if you have given or received hygiene or care by the positive person (or probably positive).

Since the opinion of the High Council of Public Health of June 15, this definition has evolved in order to distinguish three types of contact:

Good to know

Cas contact : quelles sont les consignes ?

The following protective measures are not considered effective:

What if you are contact and vaccinated?

If your vaccination scheme is complete and if you are not immunocompromised, you are considered to be moderate risk contact case.As such, you are no longer required to respect a period of isolation.

But you must still respect certain health rules to break the coronavirus transmission chains:

Seven days after the end of the positive person's isolation period with whom you were in contact, you will have to be tested again.If you live with the patient, you will have to wait 17 days after the start of his symptoms (or 17 days after the sampling date if it is asymptomatic) to perform a second test.

What if you are in contact and not fully vaccinated or immunocompromised?

If your vaccination scheme is incomplete or if you are immunocompromised, you must immediately carry out a screening, RT-PCR or antigenic test (for children under the age of 6, a salivary sample can be taken if the nasopharyngeal sample is difficult or impossible)).

► The test is positive

If the result is positive, you become a confirmed case of COVVI-19, you must isolate yourself and the other members of your home are considered as contact and must carry out an antigenic test immediately.

► The test is negative

If the result is negative, you must respect an isolation in your home:

If home isolation is not possible, an accommodation solution can be proposed by the Territorial Isolation Support Cell (CTAI).This solution is to be favored for people contact with serious immunosuppression.

You must inform the people you were in contact with your situation From 48 hours after your last exposure with the positive person to the COVVI-19 and recommend them to limit their social and family contacts.Your contacts can make self-monitoring of their temperature and the possible appearance of symptoms, with an immediate diagnostic test in the event of symptoms, whatever the age.

At the end of the isolation period (7 days after the start of isolation or 17 days in the event of impossibility of isolating yourself From the patient), you must carry out a second test.If it is negative, isolation can be lifted.If it is not achieved, the isolation is extended by an additional 7 days (except for children under the age of 6).

What if you have to isolate yourself and can't telework?

If you cannot televail and are not in partial activity, you can request a 7 -day work stoppage on the Declare website.ameli.Fr.It begins on the date on which health insurance contacted you to inform you that you were in contact with.If you were isolated before this date, the judgment may be retroactive within the limit of 4 days.If the test results are not known at the end of the initial judgment, you can request an extension of the stop within the limit of 7 additional days.

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