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New Provence-Côte d'Azur line: public inquiry in January

The public inquiry into the first two phases of the future rail link between Marseille and Nice, prior to their declaration of public utility, will be open from January 17 to February 28.

The first phase of the new Provence Côte d'Azur line (LNPCA) includes the construction of a station near Nice airport, the opening of a Toulon RER and arrangements in Marseille, which must be set upFrom 2023 for a commissioning by 2030.

Nouvelle ligne Provence-Côte d'Azur: enquête publique en janvier

The second phase concerns arrangements between Cannes and Nice and the drilling of a tunnel under Marseille, whose opening is envisaged "by the horizon 2035", said Matignon in a press release.

The financing of these two phases, estimated at 3.5 billion euros, was in April the subject of an agreement between the government and the local communities of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur: 40% of the summust be brought by the State and 40% by communities, the remaining 20% having to be requested from Europe.

Creation of a local public establishment at the request of communities

A local public establishment called "Company of the New Provence Côte d'Azur line" will be created at the request of communities in order to collect local taxation dedicated to the financing of the.An order in this sense is currently being examined at the Council of State and should be published in the spring, said Matignon.

"In a second step the LNPCA line aims to develop new rail infrastructure to improve links within the PACA region and contribute to the construction of a Mediterranean railcading and regional territorial cohesion", underlined the services of the firstminister.

A subsequent phase 3 provides for the construction of a new line between Nice and Cannes, while a phase 4 is considering sections between Aubagne (Bouches-du-Rhône) and Toulon and between Cannes and Muy (Var).No deadline is yet advanced for their realization.

Source: Batirama.com