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Sleep: why it is better to sleep in the dark (and not in front of the lit TV)

Close goods or curtains before sleeping, cardiologist advice!Because sleeping in a very weak room would increase the risks of cardiovascular and diabetes diseases.

Close the shutters, blinds or curtains, then turn off all light sources before you fall asleep and thus reduce the risk of cardiovascular and diabetes diseases.Researchers from Northwestern University (United States) have just demonstrated that exposure to ambient lighting, even moderate, during sleep hours, increases insulin resistance and overnight to good cardiovascular functioning.

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Previous studies had shown that exposure to light during the day increases vigilance and heart rate, via the activation of the sympathetic nervous system."The results of the study indicate that there is a similar effect when exposure to light occurs during night sleep" explains Dr. Phyllis Zee, principal author of the study published in the journal Pnas."The heart rate increases and the body cannot rest and restore its functions correctly".

Sommeil : pourquoi il vaut mieux dormir dans l'obscurité (et pas devant la télé allumée)

Eliminate all light sources

Exposure to an artificial light source during the night is more frequent than you think: a large proportion of people falls asleep with a bedtime bedside lamp, in front of the television set, or in a room bathed by theLight of a lamppost.

The brain of the study participants reacted like that of someone whose sleep is light and fragmented.The researchers also discovered that in the early hours of the morning, our pancreas made more insulin when we slept in a too enlightened room."Previous work had shown that people exposed to light during their sleep were overweight or obese.We show why it happens and what is the mechanism behind overweight "continues the doctor who gives his advice to sleep better:

Source: Light Exposure During Sleep Offer Cardiometabolic Function, PNAS, March 2022

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