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The mentally handicapped, for the first time called to choose the president, learn this new right

Publié le 5 avril 2022.
Imprimé le 16 avril 2022 à 02:13
2 058 visites.5 commentaires.

In the queue, Justine does not hold in place.This first participation in an election gives him the potato.That evening, the gestures of the citizen ritual will only be training for her and the fifteen other resident novices of the inclusive habitats of the association L’Arche, in Strasbourg, all with mental disabilities."I'm going to vote because it's my choice!And we must get help, "said the young woman of the discourses of professionals who accompany her.

Since 2019, people under guardianship has automatically have the right to vote.Judges can no longer oppose it.A long -standing fight for the defense associations of people with disabilities.In the European elections in 2019, barely three months after the vote of the law, they were rare to express their votes.Then came the municipal elections in 2020, but difficult to organize this in the middle of the COVIR crisis.In 2022, out of around twenty beneficiaries of the ark, fourteen wanted to prepare for the presidential election.For eleven of them, it will be the first opportunity to go to the polls.

With her comrade Vincent, Justine has fun recognizing the candidates in the set of matching portraits on handouts."He's Macron!», She points out with evidence."And him ... is it ... Putin?», She tries her finger on the trombine of Jean-Luc Mélenchon."It's quite possible ..." hesitates Vincent, frowning."And Marine Le Pen!"», Concludes the young woman by touching the features of Valérie Pécresse."Don't worry," said Laura, training as a specialized educator:

"Today it will not be your real choice.We vote for false.»»

Stretch eyes, Justine reveals what she expects from the future President of the Republic:

« Que le virus s’en aille et que des chanteurs puissent revenir, comme la dame sur mon t-shirt que je veux voir en concert !»»

« Et si aucun des candidats ne te plaît ?»», interroge Esmaella, assistante de maison. « Il faut essayer !»», s’accroche Mathilde. « Quand on n’est pas d’accord, on a le droit de ne pas aller voter»», insiste François Petit Ruppert, responsable des trois maisons strasbourgeoises de l’Arche, à l’adresse de tous.Esmaella recalls that everyone can ask for help around him if he does not know how to go about the polling station.But neither to her nor to her colleagues.On D-Day, professionals in the medico-social structure, as are the parents of the inhabitants, will not have the right to support them.

For the time being, Dina needs assistance.Marylène, in training as a specialized educator, plays the neutral third party and helps to decipher on the ballots the names of the candidates associated with the images arranged before her.Dina makes her choice behind the curtain of the improvised booth, of which François Petit Ruppert maintains the rod in place.Voted !For the last stage of the experience, the young woman must still affix her signature on the register.Not that easy.Marylène holds her hand.

Damien, who patients on a sofa, is one of the rare initiates of the group.He already voted during the 2020 municipal elections:

Les handicapés mentaux, pour la première fois appelés à choisir le président, apprennent ce nouveau droit

"I voted two years ago with mom for the mayor of the city, when I still lived with her.She helped me choose but I was alone in the voting booth.I'm happy to be able to vote on my own.It means that I am an adult, even if my parents still watch over me.»»

The young man says he is mainly inquiring on the internet and chatting with the family.For the presidential election, he has not yet made his choice but measures his weight:

"It's always hard to make the right decisions.I want this president to be able to direct France properly and to make sure that everyone has the same rights.France and this planet are expensive in my eyes so I would like him to defend them.I would really like it to respect the environment.»»

Damien warns that we won't know more:

"What I do must remain confidential.This is my private life.»»

« Nous n’irons pas jusqu’au bureau de vote pour tout le monde»», pressent François Petit Ruppert :

"We will have to measure with each person their ability to make a decision.Many already have difficulty developing a very simple choice of everyday life.So what candidate you prefer, it can be complicated.»»

On a daily basis, the manager of houses identifies aspirations common to residents, centered on their access to ordinary law: having a social network and a place in society through work, as a place of socialization where his skills are recognized, have freedom ofcirculation in public transport, and especially that their right to a couple life is respected.

Here as often elsewhere, the opening of people with mental disabilities on society is in its infancy. Depuis peu, des temps de parole « Actu’nouvelles»» sont organisés, lors desquels les participants épluchent un article ensemble et débattent autour d’un sujet de leur choix.François Petit-Ruppert observes that major political themes still only rarely enter concerns:

"It is not so much by intellectual inability as by their limited social environment.These people have a vision of the environment limited in space and time, their families, their place of life, their place of activity.Society does not invite them to open up to a larger world than theirs.It is a real challenge for the future to reconsider their identities other than by their handicap.We are today at a societal turning point in the way of accompanying them but that implies that all the actors take their responsibilities.And it can only be progressive work.»»

These next few days, the group will get to the heart of the matter: to rough up the big ideas of the candidates. Ces derniers sont censés produire des supports « faciles à lire et à comprendre»».Professionals will obviously have to remain as neutral as possible.François Petit Ruppert reflects:

"We will surely start from four themes that concern them and see what the candidates offer.It could be health, the environment, safety and public transport.»»

D’ici le premier tour, il va prendre attache avec des associations spécialisées, censées pouvoir mettre à disposition des « tiers neutres»», des bénévoles qui peuvent accompagner les personnes qui le demandent.The association will also contact the polling station team to ensure that assessors are not surprised by this new right and know if people will be well available on site to help.

As a last resort, voters in need can legally turn to a gendarme.But would an agent move for ten people?François Petit Ruppert in doubt.The team hopes that it will be possible to add to voting bulletins the photographs of the candidates to facilitate the task of their residents."If it is not possible, maybe we will organize before leaving. Ils peuvent aussi préparer leur enveloppe chez eux»», se projette l’éducateur.

He knows that his team still has to learn how to integrate this right and make the presidential electoral meeting for what it is:

"It is easy to release a right, but you need means behind it to be able to guarantee its implementation.We will see, we will experiment and we will report to the end for associations of rights defenders.»»

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On rue89 Strasbourg: All our articles on the presidential election 2022

TagsS'abonner à Rue89 StrasbourgInfos exclusives, analyses... Publié le 05/04/2022 à 06h00Imprimé le 16/04/2022 à 02h13 2 058 visites5 commentairesL'AUTEURClaire Gandanger
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