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8 effective tips for cleaning an oven easily

To prevent fat and dirt from getting stuck, you have to clean your oven regularly.Here are 8 easy tips to know how to clean an oven.

Unless you never use your oven, it is normal for your device to get caught.To prevent cleaning your oven with easier evening, it is advisable to wash the projections of fats and splashes immediately after cooking your dishes (while waiting for your oven to have cooled, watch out for burns).The more you wait, the more the residues will be difficult to scour.And for good reason, they will cook and take back each use.

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To facilitate the maintenance of your oven, you can put a sheet of baking paper at the bottom of your device (directly on the wall or on a grid that you place at the bottom).You will limit the drips, and will only have to remove and change the paper in the event of tasks.But that will not prevent you from having to clean your oven from time to time. Pas de paniques, voici8 astuces avec des produits naturels que vous trouverez dans les placards de votre cuisine pour ne pas avoir à récurer votre appareil pendant des heures.

Eight tips for cleaning your oven / credit: Unsplash

Tip n ° 1: Clean the gates of an oven with black soap

Pour nettoyer les grilles ou la lèchefrite de votre four, utilisezde l’eau chaude et du savon noiret frottez avec une éponge (ou une brosse abrasive si les tâches sont incrustées.Black soap is a natural degreaser that also has an ideal disinfectant power for your device.

Isn't that enough to disinclude dirt as they say in advertisements for stripping products?Do not go right away in chemicals allegedly miracles. Mettez vos grilles et votre lèchefrite àtremper dans du vinaigre blancpendant une nuit, rincez et nettoyez.

Tip n ° 2: Clean an oven with white vinegar and baking soda

Mélangezdu vinaigre blancavec dubicarbonate de soudeou des cristaux de soude puis vaporisez sur les parois à nettoyer de votre four.Heat at 120 ° C for ten minutes.Wait until your device is lukewarm to rinse with a damp sponge.You can use the same mixture to polish the window of your oven with an soaked linen.

Tip n ° 3: Clean an oven with baking soda

Don't have white vinegar?The bicarbonate is enough to clean the inside of your oven.Mélangez six cuillères à soupe de bicarbonate de soude avec deux cuillères à soupe d’eaujusqu’à obtenir une pâte.Spread the walls of your device.Leave to act for twelve hours minimum - the easiest way is to leave for a night - then rinse with a wet sponge.

8 astuces efficaces pour nettoyer un four facilement

Astuce n°4 : nettoyer un four avec du gros sel

You necessarily have salt in your kitchen.Use it to clean your oven.Mix 50 centilitres of water with 250 grams of salt (ideally coarse salt), then spread the mixture on the walls of your device.After fifteen minutes, rinse with a wet sponge.

Coarse salt, ideal for cleaning the walls of your oven / credit: Unsplash

Astuce n° 5 : dégraisser un four avec de la levure chimique

Mix ten teaspoons of baking powder used for cakes with a little water until a homogeneous paste is obtained.Apply to the walls of your oven.Leave to put one night (twelve hours minimum), then rinse.

Astuce n°6 : nettoyer la vitre de votre four avec du papier journal

Crush a page of newspaper and humidify it.Rub the window of your oven as if it were a sponge.This will allow you to eliminate charred residues.It is also a useful tip for cleaning your windows.

Use newspaper to clean your oven / credit: UNSPLASH

Astuce n°7 : désinfecter un four avec du citron

Have you tried a fish recipe?Did you make garlic?Result: your oven smells. Ne vous inquiétez pas,il vous suffit du jus d’un citron pour vous débarrasser des mauvaises odeurs et désinfecter votre appareil.Place a container with the juice in your oven and heat at 250 ° for thirty minutes.Once your device has cooled, have a sponge.You can even reuse the juice for rinsing the walls of your oven.It will degrease and disinfect your device.

This tip also works for microwaves.Just heat the bowl of lemon juice for two minutes at medium power.Lemon water vapor will help eliminate fat and projections in your device and deodorize your microwave.

Lemon will disinfect and deodorize your oven / credit: Unsplash

Astucen°8 : enlever les mauvaises odeurs avec des pelures d’agrumes

Keep citrus peels when you cook.When your oven is still hot after cooking a dish, put it at the bottom of your device.They will neutralize bad odors while it cools.

The self -cleaning ovens

If your oven is self -cleaning, simply follow the instructions in the user manual to start the cleaning function.However, depending on the device you have, you will still have to clean the glass and the grids.

Autoid -to -say ovens: easier to maintain / credit: UNSPLASH

Catalysis destroys fat projections during cooking dishes (more than 220 ° C) by transforming them into dust.It is therefore necessary to rinse with a sponge or a damp cloth after cooking.These are the walls of the microporous enamel oven that allow catalysis, the window is therefore not automatically cleaned.

Pyrolysis ovens are the most sold in France.They allow automatic cleaning at almost 500 ° C for two to three hours depending on the devices (follow the instructions in your oven).The fat residues are burned, so it is necessary to pass a sponge after cleaning.The grids are not, however, pyrolysables.

Hydrolysis cleanses your oven with steam.Just pour water and dishwashing liquid to the place indicated on the user manual of your device.The residues will be softened by steam, you will only have to remove them from the bottom of your oven with a sponge.The advantage of hydrolysis is that the window is cleaned during the process.

Sources : 

Comment nettoyer son four ?
Comment nettoyer son four facilement avec des produits de la cuisine