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9 tips for removing a fat task on a garment

Have you accidentally poured oil on your garment?Do not panic and follow our instructions.


It has already happened to us all to stain a garment with a fatty food.But once the error is made, no need to wonder if the textile is recoverable or not.You just have to test one of these very simple tips for this ugly spot to be ancient history.

9 astuces pour retirer une tâche de gras sur un vêtement

Fat stain: how to remove it?

Who has never panicked at the sight of a fatty stain on their favorite garment?Fortunately, whether the task is recent or older, there are many ingenious solutions to remove it effectively:

Fatty stain: errors to avoid

Once your garment is stained, you should not let the grease stain and act as quickly as possible in order to be able to remove it effectively.Thus, avoid hot water which will tend to spread the stain and prefer soapy water.Do not pass the machine fabric before having treated it with one of the 9 products cited above.Finally, do not rub the dry fabric, this is not advised and can also contribute to fat in textiles.

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