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9 tips that work to clean a foam mattress

When you clean up, cleaning your mattress is an important step not to be overlooked.Discover practical tips to accomplish this task.


Discover the tbechnics to maintain and extend the sustainability of your mattress.You will easily adopt these many cleaning tips.

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Clean a foam mattress: Zoom on natural products

No need to use expensive, toxic and polluting products for the planet when you clean your foam mattress.Many natural products have proven themselves in terms of cleaning.This is particularly the case with white vinegar which, in addition to cleaning, disinfects in depth.Soda bicarbonate, on the other hand, reveals all the whiteness of the mattress in addition to removing bad odors.Coarse salt or soda crystals are effective in removing tenacious stains.

Clean a foam mattress: the precautions to protect it

To make your mattress last as long as possible, it should be well maintained.Remember to turn it over from time to time so that it does not deform and aspire it regularly to avoid an invasion of mites.Once your foam mattress is cleaned, it is better to provide some protections to avoid new accidents.An alse or an over-mattress will make the trick.

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