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  3. Call of Jussie Smollett: The punishment begins at the first night in Corta's County prison;The actor shouted "I am not a suicide" after the verdict

Call of Jussie Smollett: The punishment begins at the first night in Corta's County prison;The actor shouted "I am not a suicide" after the verdict

Chicago (WLS) - Jussie Smollett appealed after spending his first night behind bars after a judge sentenced him to five months in prison for lies in the police about a false crime of hatred hatred.

Cook's County Sheriff's Bureau declared in a written statement that Smollett was now in pre -trial detention at Cook County Prison.

"M.Smollett is not detained in isolation, "wrote the sheriff's office."The use of cell isolation in Cook County prison was repealed in 2016, and all the allegations that he would be held in this way are false.M.Smollett is held in his own cell, which is monitored by surveillance cameras in the cell. et par un officier porté sur le corps qui est posté à l’entrée de la cellule pour s’assurer queM.Smollett is under direct observation at any time. Comme pour toutes les personnes en détention,M.Smollett has the right to spend a lot of time in the zone cell of his class, where he can use the phone, watch television and interact with staff.During these periods outside the cell, the other prisoners will not be in common areas.These protocols are commonly used for people sentenced to be placed in preventive detention which may be at risk of damage due to the nature of their charges, their profession or their remarkable status.La sûreté et la sécurité de toutes les personnes détenues, y comprisM.Smollett, are a priority.

Thursday's session ended in style when Smollett got up from his headquarters and declared his innocence and his concern for his safety.

The 39 -year -old man was without expression, and his family and others present in the courtroom were shocked when the County Judge of Cook, James Lane, said the verdict.

"You will purge the first 150 days of your sentence in Cook County prison, and this day will start.Here, now, ”said Judge Lane.

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During the sentence examination, Lane said that Smollett's "extreme" premeditation to commit crime was an aggravating factor.He also declared that the actor had disparaged the experiences of real victims of hatred crimes, calling him "impostor" and a liar.

"You went up to the witnesses.You didn't have to do it.You did it.You are certainly entitled to it.Mais vous avez commis heure après heure après heure de pur parjure»», a déclaré Lin.

During his imprisonment, Smollett also started 30 months of probation in addition to being ordered to pay more than $ 120,000 in damages to the city of Chicago and a fine of $ 25,000.

Then the disgraced representative addressed the courtyard.

"I'm not suicidal," said Smollett."I am not a suicide!"I am innocent !And I am not a suicide.If I do this, that means that I have put my fist in the fears of black Americans in this country for 400 years and the fears of the LGBTQ Honor, I respect you and I respect the jury, but I did not dothat, and I am not suicidal.And if something happened to me when I got there, I didn't do it myself!And you should all know which one!»»

The verdict intervened three months after Smollett was found guilty of five disorderly driving charges for lies in Chicago police.

"I did not think it would take as long, but the judge clearly indicated that he considered this crime as more than a simple crime, he saw him as harming victims of hatred crimes everywhere," saidABC7's legal analyst, Gil suffers.

Smollett always claimed his innocence when he was taken outside the court after the verdict pronouncement.

Appel de Jussie Smollett : la punition commence par la première nuit dans la prison du comté de Cook ; L’acteur a crié « Je ne suis pas un suicidé » après le verdict

" I am innocent! "he said."I could have said that I was guilty a long time ago!»»

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Smollett asked that it be placed in police custody and Lane signed an order requesting it, according to court documents filed after the hearing.The decision, however, belongs as a last resort to the sheriff's office, which manages prison and has a lot of latitude in the way it manages a population of just over 6,000 prisoners.

Smollett is held in his own cell, which is monitored by CCTV and an officer carrying a body camera to ensure that he is under close surveillance at any time, according to the Cook County Sheriff Office.

"M.Smollett is not detained in isolation.The use of isolation at Corté de Cook was repealed in 2016, and any assertion that it is detained in this way is false.M.Smollett is held alone in his cell., which is monitored by security cameras in the cell and by an agent carrying a camera worn on the body. Il est posté à l’entrée de la cellule pour s’assurer queM.Smollett is under direct observation at any time. Comme pour toutes les personnes détenues,M… Smollett a le droit de passer beaucoup de temps à l’extérieur de sa cellule dans les parties communes de sa classe, où il peut utiliser le téléphone pour regarder la télévision et interagir avec le personnel Pendant ces périodes à l’extérieur de la cellule, les autres détenus ne seront pas présents dans la espaces communs Ces protocoles sont couramment utilisés pour les personnes placées en détention préventive qui risquent de subir des préjudices en raison de la nature de leurs charges, de leur profession ou de leur statut notable. La sûreté et la sécurité de toutes les personnes détenues, y comprisM.Smollett, are the highest priority of the sheriff's office.»»

This measure is neither unexpected nor unusual: notorious prisoners and other vulnerable prisoners are generally separated from the general prison population.

The decision provoked the anger of the Smollett family, who criticized the judge after the verdict pronouncement.

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"Mon frère Josie est innocent, et cela ne devrait pas être une déclaration controversée car c’est la vérité ultime»», a déclaré la sœur de Josie, Jazz Smollett.

"Mon frère a été déshonoré»», a déclaré Josie Smollett, le frère de Josie."Talk about her arrogance.He does not know the suffering that my brother is going through.»»

The report on the treatment with the office of Kim Foxx of the Case of Jussie Smollett was made public, according to the judge

Meanwhile, the special Dan Webb prosecutor congratulated the judge.

« C’était un comportement qui méritait une punition sévère»», a déclaré Webb."I thought it was the right way to do it.And I think that on the basis of his conviction, the Lin judge clearly understood what happened in this case.»»

Smollett's defense team said she was amazed and swore to appeal.

« Je n’ai jamais vu de toute ma carrière d’avocat, et aucun des autres avocats ici n’a vu une situation où un crime au quatrième degré reçoit le même traitement qu’un crime violent»», a déclaré l’avocat de la défense Nene Uchi.

The mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, applauded the judge's decision by writing: "The criminal conviction of Josie Smollett by another jury and today's condemnation should send a clear message to everyone in the city of Chicagothat false allegations and allegations will not be tolerated.The malicious and manufactured allegations were fully directed Smollett provided more than 1,500 hours of police work which cost the city more than $ 130,000 in overtime of police hours.The City considers that its judgment today has been validated in the sense that it will be held responsible and that we will receive the compensation for its actions.»»

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