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Ikea hits very hard with her new hyper design sofa worthy of a super luxury house!

The Swedish brand is known for its very attractive prices and its good quality products.Students and assets meet there to arrange their apartment or home by following the decoration trends without breaking the bank.And with this new sofa, Ikea gives your living room a royal look, without it ruining you.

Lacoste stone (01/18/2022)

The Landskrona sofa in blue has its effect

This very elegant dark blue sofa has all the chance to please you.It brings to your elegance and class living room and you will not believe your eyes as it is affordable.This sofa, which you can find with other colors, is offered at 649 euros.Incredible but true.Your lounge will have royal tunes while the price of this sofa is ultimately very accessible.But everyone deserves a chic, elegant living room, even those who think they do not have the means to afford a beautiful sofa.With Ikea, you know today it is possible.

In addition, this sofa is guaranteed for ten years.And opinions are unanimous.Customers readily recognize that this sofa has a good effect, in addition to offering real comfort.This is the perfect opportunity to enjoy superb curves while being comfortably seated or lying down to enjoy your television or read a book.

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Ikea frappe très fort avec son nouveau sofa hyper design digne d’une maison super luxe !

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Discover the originals: the pub campaign for Sweden

Behind the sometimes wacky names of the products sold by IKEA are indeed Swedish names, or even places that do exist in Sweden.But that, the common one ignores it.And it's a shame for Sweden and the wonders that she offers.Indeed, a simple Google research allows us to carry out the place that Ikea holds today in society.

If you are looking for names like "Toftan", "Ektorp", "Voxnan", "Hemsjö", "Kallax", you will find in the search for the engine of garbage cans, sofas, towels and shelves.No Swedish landscape.Even more worrying, if you type "Bolmen", you will find a toilet brush.Quid du Lac Bolmen, which gives it its name, located in the Småland, the province where Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of Ikea grew.

To play on the popularity of the brand, and to make fun of the names given to the products, the tourist office offers an advertising campaign called "Discover The Originals", or in French, "Discover the Originals»».This is an opportunity to discover the magnificent landscapes hiding behind names given to stools, tables or even shelves.

"In Sweden, we are proud of Ikea and, in a way, we can say that they have helped us to make Swedish places famous worldwide thanks to the names they have borrowed for their products",explains Nies Persson, the director of marketing of Visit Sweden."Now we want to bring up to date the originals behind the names of derivative products and invite the world to discover all Sweden.»»

Ikea treats her image

The brand undertakes to become a flagship player in the circular economy by 2030, in a world where overconsumption has allowed it to become one of the most famous brands in the world.Several means are good for achieving it, starting with the repair of damaged products during transport, or the proposal made to customers to bring back old products so that they are recycled and no longer thrown.A rental service is also set up.An idea that Cecilia Cassinger defends, professor in strategic communication at the University of Lund: "IKEA products can be used and reused over a long period, thus reducing waste".

The goal is simple, reduce the carbon footprint.And the brand's ambitions are high: reduce this 70% imprint by 2030. « La meilleure possibilité pour réduire l’empreinte carbone réside dans les matières premières et la durée de vie des produits»» assure IKEA.Greenpeace Nordic is not yet fully satisfied with the brand's actions:

"Ikea has the potential to become a fully circular company (...) but there are still important gaps in terms of ecological footprint to which the new model does not provide a solution".


Lacoste stone

Passionate about writing, I turned to the profession of web editor in 2018 after several years of experience for several blogs.The media, television, sport and cinema have no secrets for me and I like to share my passions with readers.