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In therapy: what people who consult psychics think of the series

A week after its release on Arte.TV, the second season of "in therapy", the series of Olivier Nakache and Éric Toledano, already counted more than seven million views, confirming the success of the first.We find the Dr.PhilippeDayan, who became the favorite psychiatrist of the French, his legendary red sofa, and a new range of patients embodied again by a five -star cast (Suzanne Lindon, Jacques Weber, Eye Haïdara…).Installed since his divorce in a milling house in Pré-Saint-Gervais, and in full trial with the family of Adel Chibane, a former patient who died after his departure in Syria to fight Daesh, the psychiatrist camped by Frédéric Pierrot this time meets-I of patients put in difficulty by the first confinement.

À lire >> En thérapie : rencontre avec Frédéric Pierrot, le psy le plus célèbre de France

In order for the reality of therapeutic work to appear on the screen, production called on consultants Serge Hefez, psychiatrist and star psychologist, and the philosopher and writer Marc-Alain Ouaknin.Is the bet successful?For Aurélie, a 33 -year -old geography professor in the Paris suburbs, the Arte series was a trigger that allowed her to pass the door of a psychologist six months ago.But between reality and fiction, a gap exists: "It is not the temporality of therapy and it does not look like my sessions.In the series, all patients have big subjects that they approach very quickly.Me, it's much more groping, there are sessions where you don't say anything.Fiction is accelerated and intensified in relation to real life.»»

A fantasized version of therapy

Lorsqu’elle a commencé une analyse, Isabelle, 50 ans, a passé presque deux ans à « s’asseoir et pleurer»».For her, the series features a fantasy of therapy: "We have the impression that Dr..Dayan immediately understands the person he has in front of him, that he reads in him and that he is able to enlighten him and help him very quickly.At first, I said to myself "wow it is too strong".As if it were enough to sit down, expose your problem and leave five sessions later with a solution.»»

En thérapie : ce que les gens qui consultent des psys pensent de la série

The character embodied by Frédéric Pierrot also gives an overinvesty vision of the therapist according to Marion, 34 years old.In addition to the fact that he sometimes leaves his function as a psychiatrist - by preparing a sandwich for the young Robin who refuses to eat or by accompanying Lydia, a young woman with cancer in the hospital - her empathy and relevanceof her interventions appeal to the young woman who repeats regularly: "I did not find my DR.Dayan.»» Des psys, elle en a vu quelques-uns depuis ses 14 ans, quand ont commencé ses crises d’angoisses. «Dayan est plus solide explique-t-elle.I may have come across bad psychics, but I just felt like I told my week.They were "hum hum" "and pushed open doors.Dayan, lui, convoque des concepts psys, des anecdotes, il va là où les patients ne l’attendent pas forcément»».

Aggressive patients

The aggressiveness of the characters surprises Aurélie, who also points to a certain nonchalance of the patients who do not hesitate to wander in the office during the sessions: "The patients are often very comfortable and very violent with him.This thing of "I don't want to be there, you bother me with your questions but I'm talking anyway, it's a bit big".I happened to provoke a psychologist who did not suit me, but I left and I never came back.In real life, if help does not suit you, you move on.»» Habituée des psys depuis son adolescence, Chloé, 36ans abonde : « Mon psy ne laisserait pas passer le quart de ce queDayan se prend dans la figure.He sometimes lets himself be caused to the insult and manages it in an extremely passive way.»»

A more summary decor

Côté déco, le cabinet du docteurDayan donne aussi un peu plus envie que dans la réalité.The place where Amélia's sessions take place, a 31 -year -old designer is more stripped of the cozy living room in the series: an office building, a fairly basic room and a sofa on which she lies down.On the side of Aurélie, a little incense and a few paintings give life to the dark room on the ground floor of a courtyard in which she goes every week to the Parisian suburbs: "It is not 80m squareWith a garden around!I sit on a chair and the shrink is behind her desk.»» Chloé, en revanche, confie qu’elle s’est tout de suite sentie chez elle chez son psychiatre : « Son cabinet est très personnel, c’est comme un appartement, son chien dort à ses pieds, il y a des livres, des dossiers sur les fauteuils et il fume ses clopes pendant la séance»».

Get the currency

The question of remuneration of the therapist is more present this season.Almost absent from the first, money is no longer hidden.Sometimes a close -up even lingers on the tickets placed on the table.The price of the sessions is announced, 80 euros - we do not know the actual duration of the session - or 50 euros with a care sheet for more modest patients like Lydia, student in architecture.For Robin, the little boy harassed at school embodied by Aliocha Delmotte, it's just about giving the Dr..Dayan un jouet ou un objet qui lui est cher, même si l’on imagine que les séances sont réglées par les parents.

"50 damn balls!"It's really cheap!exclaims Aurélie.I pay 65 euros for only half an hour and she is not even a psychiatrist.And when I started, the question was taboo.Whenever I tried to talk about the price, the subject was quickly evacuated.I told him several times that it was a sum for me and that we had to talk about it, but we never had this discussion, it was as if the money did not exist.»» Eve, 31 ans, trouve au contraire que la question pécuniaire n’est pas un réel enjeu dans la série.She who pays 50 euros for 45 minutes with a psychoanalyst had a real exchange upstream of work: "Therapy is expensive, you want to know how much it will cost and if the thing is viable if you come once a weekduring three years.There, we see them giving a ticket and that's it, they ask "how much I owe you?" As if it had never been the subject of a real discussion.It could have been developed and it would not help pretend that therapies are accessible to all.The care sheet he makes for some patients and not others, I have never seen that.»» Elle estime aussi que la méthodologie du thérapeute n’est pas évoquée.To her shrink, she asked questions about the sessions and the estimated therapy time."In the series, they settle down and presto they start direct to talk about their lives, but the approach of therapy is never explained, how it works, what are the stages etc.»», commente-t-elle.

Aurélie, however, finds that the series explores the mechanisms of therapy, in particular by the silences and the responses of the.Dayan : « Quand Robin lui tend une vidéo ou que Alain veut lui montrer un échange de mails, il dit ‘’je préfère que vous me racontiez plutôt comment vous l’avez ressenti’’, ça ressemble à ce que peut me dire ma psy.»» Amélia a elle aussi a retrouvé certains éléments de sa propre thérapie. « Les ponts que faitDayan sont très réalistes, on dirait ce que me dit ma psy, je retrouve un vocabulaire, une façon singulière d’échanger.»»