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Le Havre.Who will take up the challenge of running 200 km largely at night ... and accelerated?

Saturday January 15, 2022, a hundred people will take up the new challenge of the Les Bottes of 7 leagues association.His name: Out of Time.Presentation of this crazy race!

Par Murielle BouchardPublié le76actuVoir mon actu

Always further, always more ... crazy!François Lerogeron, a physical education teacher and sporting cannot definitely resign himself to offering a race like the others.So, Saturday January 15, 2022, he launched the first Out of Time in Le Havre (Seine-Maritime) and Concept question, that imposes!

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33 loops, 200 km, accelerated largely at night

"There are plenty that tell me that it is impossible to go to the end!But despite this, François Lerogeron launches the Out of Time.

At the start for the Sunday jogger, it seems easy, even limits a little too much!

Saturday 15, at 7:30 p.m., we launch the start of the first 6,150 km loop in the Montgeon forest, on a flat course, rather simple.And you will have to finish in an hour.

François Lerogeron

Le Havre. Qui relèvera le défi de courir 200 km en grande partie de nuit... et en accéléré ?

So far so good.An hour right after this first departure, another is given but this time with the same loop to be made in 59 minutes ... and so on to ... 33 loops and therefore 200 km in all!

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Obviously there, it laughs less, especially that if the challenge is taken up by one or more of the fierce 114 already registered, it will mean that after 24 hours of racing, the champion (s) of the day will have been able to complete the6 km loop in… 28 minutes!So ensure a quick tour of 13 km/h with 200 km in the Gambettes.

« La seule que je n’aurais jamais tentée !»»

There will be "skimming" smiles the organizer.And besides, some participants already admitted defeated on the main challenge have given their own objectives

Some come to do five laps, others to go beyond their personal record of 50 km, others 100 km...This is what I also like in this kind of race.

And then there are also those whom François call "the furious: they set up a strategy and it is true that it is also the interest of the Out of Time: depending on the person, you will rather leaveVery cool or on the contrary try to keep a rhythm to have more rest time, between each departure.»»

François, lui, sera dans la partie organisation et d’ailleurs, « ce sera la seule course que j’organise que je n’aurais pas tentée en amont»».

The last departure is scheduled for 7:14 p.m., Sunday January 15, 2022. L’organisateur sourit, « j’espère que je ne serai pas dans mon canapé à cette heure-là, ça voudrait dire que ceux qui m’avaient prévenu avaient raison !»»

Infos pratiques :
Les inscriptions sont closes, mais vous pouvez venir encourager les coureurs de l’Out of Time, samedi 15 et dimanche 16 janvier 2022 à partir de 19h30, en forêt de Montgeon au Havre. Le départ est donné au boulodrome, près du centre aéré.

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