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Tuto Oculus Quest 2: V37, how to unlock hidden functions (demo party, new Guardian ...)

As we explained to you in our article on the Leaks of the V37 then demonstrated during our live on the subject, the new update sets up on our VR helmets in a stealthy way and did not bring anything that hadbeen announced. Enfin si, elle change actuellement deux choses : le numéro de version de V35 à V37 dans Paramètres > À propos (eh oui, pas de V36) et a déplacé et renommé l'option « Surélever la vue » qui a quitté l'onglet « Expérimental » pour devenir « Ajuster la taille » dans l'onglet « Accessibilité ».

Apart from that, nothing nothing, but fortunately for the most curious, Basti564 gave the information that allows you to unlock, without further delay, some nice things like the party mode of Party.Even more interesting, it is also possible to activate the possibility of adding the limits of the room (walls, sofa, furniture and ceiling) to his Guardian.

TUTO Oculus Quest 2 : V37, comment débloquer les fonctions cachées (démo Party, nouveau Guardian...)

Here is what can be unlocked via the ADB commands that we will give you:

Reminder: To use ADB commands, you must have placed your helmet in developer mode and go through Sidequest (for all this, watch our tutorial in Sidequest video for dummies).

Note that these features and demos will end up being officially unlocked and that these manipulations are therefore only reserved for hackers and other impatients.

If you haven't taken the plunge yet, you can buy a meta Quest 2 at Boulanger, Fnac, Darty or Amazon for € 349.99.

Eric de Brocart
Fondateur - Directeur de publication
Magicien professionnel, quand je ne suis pas derrière mon PC, photographe amateur, quand j'ai le temps et surtout un grand passionné de réalité virtuelle.
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