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How do I know if I have bedbugs?9 places to check urgently

400.000, it is the number of sites infected with bedbugs that were treated in France in 2018, according to professionals in the sector.A figure that could only represent the emerged part of the iceberg, because bedbugs are up to the resurgence.

To stem this scourge, the Minister of the City and Housing Julien Denormandie, in partnership with the Union Chamber of Disinfection, Déssectisation and Dératization Industries (CS3D), decided to set up a prevention and fight against these parasites plan.

The goal?Better inform individuals about the risk of infestation of their accommodation.To achieve this, the government is launching an information campaign, with a telephone number (0 806 706 806) and a site (Stop-Punish.gouv.Fr).

Bedbugs: the places to check in the house

To effectively fight against bedbugs, you still have to know how to recognize them.These parasites are brown, measure about 5 mm long and are therefore visible to the naked eye.Several signs identifiable on oneself or at home can give the alert as to their presence.

Bedbugs can actually be the source of bites taking the appearance of mosquito bites.They are most often located in the face, hands, arms, back and legs and generally come together by 3 or 4, sometimes online.These bites occur at night, when bedbugs are active.

Comment savoir si j’ai des punaises de lit ? 9 endroits à vérifier d'urgence

Certain clues to be identified at home can also give the alert, such as small black dots that are none other than their excrement.They are in very specific places of the house, namely:

⋙ Bedbugs: 6 signs that must alert you to their presence

Other tips for spotting bedbugs

It is essential to check these corners in the event of suspicion of bedbugs, because they are dark, sometimes narrow, not very accessible, and therefore particularly conducive to the development of these parasites which flee the light.

But there are other tips to control the presence of bedbugs.The first is to open your bed and inspect your sheets: if they are dotted with tiny blood spots (yours) it is that these parasites have settled in your home.

You can also light the light suddenly in the middle of the night: if you have bedbugs, you can probably see them take refuge in a dark corner of the room.

Read also :

⋙ Bedbugs: 5 advice from an expert to avoid scams

⋙ How to get rid of bedbugs: the expert's advice to eradicate them

⋙ Bedbugs: 5 precautions to take to protect themselves from it