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How to Choose Curtain Colors - Spiffy Spools

When choosing your curtains, color is one of the most important factors to consider. In this guide on how to choose curtain colors, we'll explain everything you need to know to match your curtains beautifully to your room. space !

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Identify your existing color palette

As you decide on curtain colors, you'll want to play with the existing color palette in the room. To identify your room's color palette, note the shade that stands out the most. This will be your "primary" color Also consider accent colors which help the primary color and help bring the space together. These are probably muted neutrals and perhaps an additional shade complementary to the primary.

For example, maybe your room's main color is blue and is accented with neutral accents of tan, white and subtle touches of a complementary yellow. Or, maybe the main color is green, and that it is paired with neutral tones of brown and black with complementary hints of gold. Once your color scheme has been identified, it's time to start designing your curtains!

Solids or patterns?

The first decision when it comes to your curtains is whether you are going to hang plain or patterned curtains. The important consideration here is that patterns tend to feature multiple colors, which can make the matching process slightly trickier.

To help you make your choice, determine if the piece has other bold patterns. If so, a solid option may be a better fit. Even if they are similar, two different patterns in a piece can go clash and make the space feel small and cluttered.

If the room is free of other bold patterns, a solid color curtain or a patterned curtain will do just fine. If you select a patterned option, just make sure that each of the colors shown closely matches those in your identified palette.

Blend in or stand out?

The next question you need to ask yourself is whether you want your curtains to blend into the room or stand out to make a bold statement:

If you want your curtains to blend in, select a curtain option that features neutral colors in your palette. use it as a solid curtain, it will create an elegant monochromatic look. If you want your curtains to stand out, choose a curtain color close to your identified primary color. Adding the heavy hue will attract a lot more attention than a neutral colored curtain. And if you want to be even bolder , choose curtains that feature the complementary color. This can create a bold contrast that really pops.

Attention to detail

The fabric of the curtains is not the only element you will choose the color of. It is also important that the curtain hardware you choose is consistent with the space.

If you plan to use a metal rod, for example, note any other metal items that may be present in the room, such as knobs, handles, or fixtures. You'll want to make sure your rod color matches current metallics. of your space to unify your look. If you don't have metallic elements in your room, consider opting for one of the neutral colors in your palette to ensure the rod doesn't overpower your curtain choice.

Another piece to consider is adding curtain tiebacks. At Spiffy Spools, you can purchase tiebacks in the same material as your curtain selection for a uniform look. Or, you can mix and match colors, patterns and fabric type to add a unique touch. If your curtain choice is neutral, a tieback that features your primary or complementary colors will look great. If your curtains are bolder, you can also color your tiebacks with the primary or complementary colors. complementary.

Explore our curtain tieback ideas for even more design tips and tricks!

Order Custom Curtains at Spiffy Spools

We hope this guide on how to choose curtain colors helps you find the perfect options for your space! exact specifications. Explore our site to create curtains for your space in any length, fabric or pattern and feel free to contact us with any questions!