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DIY without being equipped, it's possible!Examples of solutions in Orleans and Agglo

Whatever reason, if you lack tools to redo your living room or retype your shed, know that there are tool loan solutions in the agglomeration.

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In 2018, for example, a tool library was founded at the source.It was created by AHU (urban support and accommodation), in order to help owners and tenants to improve and maintain their accommodation, at the same time as an educational apartment called Resourcetoit.

This tool is accessible to everyone.Just set a membership of 5 euros per year to access the scaper, punch and other hedge tape.But it is the ""drill, screwdriver and jigsaw"" who are most popular, according to Marie-Pierre André, one of the animators of Resourcetoit.

Loans are most simply in the world.Marie-Pierre André notes:

The duration of the loan is determined with the person who borrows.We do not ask for a deposit.Because we never had any worries.People respect the equipment because this service is useful to them.

And this one to take a look at his stock: ""There is much left.Almost everything is out.We are about twenty loans this month, but it varies.""

L’animatrice voit se présenter différents profils d’ ""emprunteurs"", mais en particulier des locataires du parc public : ""C’est parce que nous avons reçu des financements, entre autres, des bailleurs sociaux, qui ont fait beaucoup de communication auprès des locataires."" Il s’agit, plus généralement, de répondre à ""des besoins du quotidien : poser des étagères ou une tringle à rideaux"".

Good deals and great initiatives to make life live in Orleans

Marie-Pierre André mentionne le site ""AllôVoisins"", une plateforme de location d’outillage et services entre voisins.But it is not always easy to find your way among the offers (entrepreneur or individual, advertising or selfless service?)). Et surtout, ""pour certaines personnes, Internet et le fonctionnement par e-mail est un frein"".

In the first quarter of 2022, it was a bricothèque, called the Abraysian lending, who will see the light of day in Saint-Jean-de-Braye.The idea was proposed by the inhabitants and restrained as part of the city's participatory budget in 2019. Un collectif s’est formé afin de réfléchir aux modalités de mise en œuvre de cette future ""boîte à outils"".

Jean-Pierre Avignon, member of the initiator collective, explains:

Our goal is to offer very good quality, even professional quality tools, in order to avoid the purchase of tools of poor quality, all this to make very punctual use.In addition, our intention is to show how it uses it, to transmit a minimum of information as to the use, especially in terms of security.

Concretely, everyone will have access to this service.These will be a week's loans, from Saturday to Saturday. Le prix variera de 0 à 15 euros, pour du ""gros"" matériel. ""Le collectif a établi les tarifs en se calquant sur l’Établi, à Angers"", une banque d’outils lancée il y a plusieurs années. ""A priori, on ne demandera pas de caution, on privilégiera la confiance, il y aura juste une charte à signer"", précise Jean-Pierre Avignon.

Des outils de bricolage, de jardinage, mais aussi des "" kits peinture, carrelage… contenant tout le matériel, y compris de sécurité, pour réaliser un chantier"", seront à disposition. ""Du durable, du réparable"", insiste Jean-Pierre Avignon.

After its final closure in 2020, we finally know what will replace the MR.DIY in Orleans

Workshops to learn

Les Compagnons bâtisseurs Centre-Val de Loire œuvrent pour le partage de savoir-faire et de matériel : ""Nous accompagnons des habitants dans la rénovation de leur logement.We lend equipment in this context, but also, more generally, to anyone who would need tools and advice to get started.Just join. Et le prix est libre"", renseigne Guillaume Bec, animateur technique au sein de l’association, dont le local est situé dans le quartier de l’Argonne.Technical workshops are also offered in Resourcetoit, which the building companions have helped for the creation of the tool library.

Workshops are also what the ARCANDERIE association offers at 108 rue de Bourgogne.If it is not possible to carry the tools at home, just join (free price) to have access to the workshop space and have a whole bunch of electroportative tools. ""C’est très convivial. On apprend en regardant faire les autres"", déclare Florian Delépine, l’un des encadrants.


Resourcetoit.1, Alexis-de-Tocqueville allée, at the source.Such.

La Prêteuse abraysienne.The future association will be located within the ESS de Saint-Jean-de-Braye pole, 10, avenue François-Rabelais.www.ready.FR (website under construction).

Les Compagnons bâtisseurs.4, Place Mozart, in Orleans.Such. Building Companions.eu

L’Arcanderie.108, rue de Bourgogne, in Orleans.Such. arcanderie@gmail.com

Blandine Lamorisse