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Our ideas to store the laundry room

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Je certifie ne pas envoyer d'e-mail indésirableUne buanderie bien rangée et optimisée, c’est le secret de l’efficacité. Découvrez 5 idées de rangement pour votre buanderie qui vous faciliteront la vie !

So that simple tasks like detergent or ironing are not synonymous with chore, discover how to store your laundry room and optimize both space and your time.


Nos idées pour ranger la buanderie

A laundry room optimized in an alcove

Leroy Merlin

The alcove, this more or less large relevance in a wall, is often considered a problem because it is likely to harm the arrangement of furniture and the development of the space.Yet it’s a real asset.Thanks to her, no need to have a full part to install a perfectly functional laundry room.Washing machine, ironing board, clothesline and storage, come to nest in the alcove.Most ?Delimit the laundry area by creating a colorful demarcation on the wall or the floor.


A laundry room with corner shelves


Place your laundry room in a corner and free up the space around it to be able to circulate freely.What's more, having a wall on each side, allows you to multiply the storage!Tablets, trays, shelves and worktop, you are spoiled for choice to create storage from floor to ceiling, and without losing space!Do not hesitate to install a column and storage boxes to further optimize the laundry room.


A discreet laundry room behind curtains


Well seen, the laundry room behind curtains!To develop this discretion model, make it as if it were a simple closet, the more connections!Bet on a multitude of shelves as well as clever and clever storage like small roller furniture or baskets for example.Then install a rod and choose light curtains that allow you to naturally ventilate your laundry room, because it is essential to avoid condensation!

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A laundry room with malignant accessories


As we know, these are the little things that make big differences in our daily household chores.The handles to more easily transport baskets, lids and fabrics to avoid smells, plastic linen baskets or rollers and small stackable boxes have become essential elements of the laundry room.No need to be an ace of DIY and to mount shelves, bet everything on these ultra practical accessories!

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A laundry room with vertical storage


We do not all have a room dedicated to the laundry room.Thus, it is necessary to rush to optimize each corner of the house.Indeed, if the ground surface is limited, just create a vertical laundry room!Use storage in height, abuse shelves, hooks, baskets and you will get a laundry room worthy of the name and resolutely space gain.Do not forget to invest in a stepladder, which will allow you to reach the highest shelves in the blink of an eye.

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