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Bed bugs: what to do? Here are 5 natural ways to get rid of it easily!

Bedbugs are as annoying AND scary as they seem. Students are not the only ones to suffer from their presence in their U cities. Hotels, AirBnBs and even your home can be infested. And dealing with them can be a nightmare. However, it is not impossible to get rid of it. These little beasts can really mess with your sanity and even bite you while you sleep! So instead of calling a company and paying A LOT, you can get rid of bed bugs naturally and save money in the process. DeaVita is here to help! Read on to find out how to save your home from a nasty infestation!

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How to get rid of bedbugs naturally?

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We know that fighting any form of infestation in your home can be very tiring. Not only is the idea of ​​having critters crawling all over the place repulsive, but caring for them costs money. Yet, at DeaVita, we completely strive for the natural method of problem solving. Spending a lot of money to have someone take care of your problems is the easiest thing to do. Although this is the fastest way, many of us struggle financially. And let us tell you: what someone else can do, you can do better by yourself! You just need reliable information and a little help! Now let's get down to business!

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You most likely have an infestation on your arms if you notice these signs:

Bed bugs: what to do? Here 5 natural ways to get rid of them easily!

Where do bed bugs hide?

These little intruders hide in mattresses, sofa cushions, woodwork and dressers. However, did you know that taxis, buses, trams and trains are frequently infested? From now on, you will think twice before sitting down in public transport…

When it comes to getting rid of a bug infestation, toxic chemicals aren't the only answer. If you're on a budget and want to maintain your health, you're on the right track. Natural remedies have been around for decades and we shouldn't turn our backs on what our ancestors did to solve their problems. That's why the DeaVita team presents five simple and natural methods to get rid of bedbugs without stress!

At what temperature do bed bugs die?

Washing your clothes and lines at at least 45°C is the way to kill bed bugs and their eggs. A lower temperature will do nothing. Also, don't let their small size fool you, these creatures are very tough!

To effectively kill bedbugs, it's not enough to put your sheets in the freezer. You should keep your clothes and linens at a temperature of at least -18°C for 4 to 5 days in a row.

Before freezing your clothes, you must put them in bags or other airtight containers. The main thing is that the bed bugs have no open air paths to escape or spread to other clothes and parts of the house.

How to get rid of bedbugs with essential oils?

Essential oil of lavender. This oil has so many benefits for us, however, bugs absolutely hate it. Put lavender oil drops in your bed to not only get rid of parasites, but also to help you sleep better.

Citronella oil is a very effective insect repellent!

Clove: Spray clove oil on any dark corners that could be hiding places to prevent them from reproducing and multiplying. (Because these creatures don't just live in our beds, we can find them in the dark wooden corners of wardrobes and closets.)

How to get rid of bed bugs in a mattress? If you've completed all the steps we've shared with you, it's time to clean the mattress! It's their kingdom, and you need to apply Divide and Conquer to your daily schedule, because now is the time to kill the bed bugs!

First, turn the mattress over to inspect the bottom. If there are small tears, then look for small brownish insects. In addition, it is important to disassemble the bed frame to complete the treatment. Since bed bugs can hide in even smaller places, take apart the bed frame and dig into every inch of it. This will allow you to locate these tiny parasites. Also use a magnifying glass and a flashlight to see better. The main thing is to be rigorous!