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  3. Is there really any point in drinking lemon juice on an empty stomach in the morning?

Is there really any point in drinking lemon juice on an empty stomach in the morning?

We have all heard of the many virtues of lemon juice on the human body. This is a recognized truth, yet very often we are not sufficiently informed on the subject. Indeed, the magic drink has specificities that must be taken into consideration so as not to turn the virtues into vices. We have prepared for you the answers to the essential questions related to the consumption of lemon juice on an empty stomach. When to drink? In what quantities? How to prevent possible risks?

Page content

  • 2 Hot or cold water for the lemon?
  • 3 How many lemons squeezed into a glass of water?
  • 4 Lemon juice in the evening?
  • 5 Lemon juice and osteoporosis – grandmother's remedy
  • 6 The benefits of lemon on the liver
  • 7 Lemon juice for weight loss belly?
  • 8 Lemon diet – the best detox cure
  • Drinking lemon juice in the morning?

    The way you start your morning can set the tone for the whole day. It is therefore good to give a good rhythm to our body so that we are in good health. It’s true that we often have too busy a schedule to be able to incorporate healthy habits into it. However, caring for our body is of such great importance that it is worth putting in the effort. So let's start with hot lemon water! Because she has all the qualities necessary for a perfect start to the day. It is very easy to prepare and does not cost much (especially if you have a lemon tree at home). Nevertheless, you have to be careful to prevent the risks that lemon juice hides. In addition, it is advisable to give yourself a few days of rest every 21 days.

    A strong start to the day

    Lemon juice interacts with certain enzymes and stimulates the production of gastric juices. Subsequently, the food consumed does not stay in the stomach for long (which can be harmful) and is quickly absorbed by the body. It is proven that people consuming lemon juice, achieve better results in their diets and in weight loss.

    A citrus press to prepare lemon juice

    Hot water with lemon helps muscle contractions in the intestinal walls. It promotes transit and eliminates toxins entering the digestive tract.

    Lemon juice increases the frequency of urination, which causes toxins to break down quickly and keeps the urinary tract healthy.

    Is there really any the benefit of drinking lemon juice on an empty stomach in the morning?

    Lemons are rich in vitamins and potassium. Vitamin C is a very good weapon in the fight against colds and viruses. Potassium, for its part, stimulates the brain, ensures the proper functioning of the nervous system and the regulation of blood pressure. In addition, these citrus fruits are known for their very strong antioxidant effect. They protect the body against free radicals that are caused by stress or inflammation.

    Treat your body with lemon!

    Water is the main constituent of the human body. Its average amount in the adult organism is about 65%. The aquatic environment has acidic and alkaline properties which are measured by the pH scale. The pH balance is very important for health. Unfortunately, the modern human diet contains more acidic substances. Are you ready for a surprise? Although lemon tastes sour in the mouth and although it is an acid, it does not create any acidity during metabolic processes, but quite the contrary. This is why it is ranked among the foods that influence the pH well.

    Regular hydration of the human body is very important for good health. Lemon juice helps the proper functioning of the adrenal gland which produces aldosterone. It is a hormone that ensures the sufficient concentration of water and minerals in the body.

    More lemons, more vitamins!

    Lemon juice is contraindicated for people who suffer from ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux or gastritis and for those who have a more sensitive stomach. Consumed on an empty stomach, lemon can irritate the stomach, it can cause pain and nausea. In this case, it is better to have breakfast before the lemon juice. If you still want to drink it first, the concentration of lemon in the water must be reduced.

    Prevent problems!

    It has already been said that lemon juice has several positive effects on the human organism. However, when it comes to teeth, the situation is no longer the same. As an acid, lemon can deteriorate tooth enamel and in this way promote cavities. The good news is that there are preventions that we can take to take care of our teeth without giving up this healthy drink. The first option is to swallow the lemon juice in one gulp so that it has minimal contact with the teeth. You can also rinse them afterwards. Another variant is to eat a piece of cheese which, containing lipids, covers the teeth with a protective film and promotes their mineralization. Finally, we suggest that you use a straw when you drink your lemon juice, because it will also reduce the contact between the drink and your teeth.

    Healthy teeth vs deteriorated teeth

    Cheese preserves tooth enamel

    Lemon juice consumed through a straw to avoid dental risks

    Fresh lemon water

    Hot or cold water for lemon?

    It is best to mix lemon juice in lukewarm water, as it stimulates digestion and liver function. On the other hand, the vitamins C that lemon contains are not resistant to high temperatures. Fresh lemonade will therefore keep the vitamins better and it will wake you up better in the morning.

    Warm lemon water

    How many lemons squeezed into a glass of water?

    It is recommended to drink a glass of water every morning, mixed with the juice of half a lemon. Watch your body's reaction carefully and if it tolerates lemon juice well, you can drink it every day.

    Lemon juice in the evening?

    It turns out that lemon juice isn't just for the perfect start to the day, but it's also the perfect ending. The night is a period of strong dehydration of the human body. Lemon juice drunk before sleep will therefore very well meet our water needs for the whole night. Besides, if you only use half a lemon, do not throw away the rest! You can slice it and arrange the slices on your nightstand. The smell of lemon will ensure you a good and calm sleep. How so ? So, the lemon neutralizes the other smells in the room by imposing its own, which in turn reduces stress and anxiety. In addition, the scent of lemon has a good influence on mood and is a natural antidepressant. Finally, we must not forget that it repels mosquitoes, which, like stress and tension, are also able to disturb our sleep.

    Lemon juice and osteoporosis – grandmother's remedy

    People often avoid lemon juice when they have osteoporosis because they classify it as an acidic food . However, it must be emphasized once again that lemon turns into an alkaline substance when it is absorbed by the body. As a result, it is a food that promotes the mineralization of our bones. There is even a recipe for lemon juice and eggs against diseases that attack the bones in particular:




    If you have osteoporosis, consume the medicinal drink 2 or 3 weeks a month. People aged 50 can consume it twice a year for 2 weeks as a preventive measure.

    The perfect combination against osteoporosis

    The benefits of lemon on the liver

    The liver has an extremely important function for the human body. It filters the blood, aids the digestion of fats and grabs toxins that enter our body through food, medicine, tobacco or alcohol. We see that it is a primordial and hard task. That is why it is good to help the liver by drinking lemon juice. It is the perfect ally, because it stimulates the production of bile and participates in the detoxification of the body.

    Lemon juice to lose belly fat?

    We put a lot of effort into losing weight – we deprive ourselves of high-calorie foods, we prioritize dietary meals, we play sports, etc. . Warm lemon water on an empty stomach is another remedy that is as easy as it is effective. On the one hand, lukewarm water frees the body of toxins and washes the intestines. On the other hand, lemon juice contains pectin. It is a polysaccharide that contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive system. Coming into contact with water, pectin swells and in this way it causes a feeling of satiety.

    Lemon diet – the best detox cure

    The lemon diet perfectly combines a balanced diet and the release of toxins from the body. The essential point in this diet is the regular consumption of lemon juice in different forms throughout the day.

    The duration of this diet is not specifically determined, as there are no contraindications for it. So you can track it for weeks or even months. It is still important to strictly respect its principles to obtain good results and not to harm your body. If you feel that you can no longer do everything, it is better to stop.

    This diet will allow you to lose about 3 kilos for a week. At first glance, this may seem like an unsatisfactory result. However, remember that what matters is not the quantity, but the quality. Have patience to get a lasting effect!

    Weight loss is easy with lemon juice

    The perfect seasoning