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Sara furious when she discovers her “two-part” sofa at 550 euros: “I will never buy there again”

When Sara Hudgell ordered a sofa for over €550 from Argos, she expected to receive quality service. But the mother was furious to find that one of the two parts of the armchair was not the same color, and that the delivery men left it hanging with the sofa, saying that they could not do anything about it.

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Last week, Sara ordered a fabric sofa from Argos and was delighted to see that it was already arriving two days later. But her face quickly changed expression when she, along with her husband Greg, saw that the two pieces of the sofa were different colors.

Sara furious discovering her sofa

A simple misunderstanding?

Assuming it was just a simple mistake, she called the delivery man to arrange the exchange, but was then stunned by to hear that it was not a mistake and that she had to deal directly with Argos. Over the phone, she was told that she could keep the sofa as is, return it, or pay the difference to upgrade to another model.

“The delivery man had just left, so I felt very frustrated. I was stuck upstairs with an armchair that didn't match my purchase and was told I couldn't return it. It's ridiculous. We were told we had the wrong half because the gray was out of stock and they couldn't supply the other half we wanted,” she told our Mirror colleagues.

Never again!

No longer buying from Argos is out of the question: “I will never buy from Argos again. We both have Argos membership cards but have decided to cancel them, we will no longer shop with them. It's such a terrible service that it's laughable. Looks like a big joke. »

On the Argos side, we initially offered a refund and €55 in credit, which she refused. A spokesperson said: “We are in contact with Sara and Greg to apologize for their poor experience, which did not meet our standards. We proceeded to the full refund of the sofa as well as a gesture to show our goodwill. We have also arranged for the mismatched sofa, delivered by mistake, to be recovered. »