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These cow mattresses have a beef effect

They sometimes extend all their long, the legs forward, as a dog would do on a sofa."I even heard a snoring, this is the first time in twelve years!», Smiles Amélie Courcoul, farmer associated with Gaec des Landelles.It must be said that in Guémené-Penfao, north of Laloire-Atlantique, Beyoncé, Santiag and the other 180 other dairy women do not lie directly on the ground when they want to rest, that is to say a goodhalf of the day.In their lodges, all have their own mattress, on which was spread crushed straw.At the end was also installed a kneever, like a kind of long police.

Ces matelas pour vaches font un effet bœuf

Cow beds, the idea can make you smile.The only French mattress manufacturer for these 600 or 700 kg animals, it made it its butter.It was in the 1990s that the family business Bioret Agri, located in Nort-sur-Erdre (Loire-Atlantique), embarked on this funny product, made from recycled materials and on average sold 250 eurosunity."Papa was inspired by the coating of children's playgrounds to build the first one, when he had to redo his exploitation, remembers Jean-Vincent Bioret, 41, who resumed the reins of the company in 2007 and the'Has prospered since.With more comfort, he realized that his cows remained more lying, that they had fewer health problems ....No one really spoke to animal-being, but it was day and night!»»

« Une bête qui est zen va produire du lait»»

With some 200.000 mattress sold this year, 25 million euros in turnover and an annual growth of 15 %, success is there for Bioret Agri, still recently rewarded for its innovations by the INPI trophies.If cows from around the world say thank you (two thirds of the goods are sent abroad), the breeders seem as relaxed as their animals."We have much fewer problems of big gangs, in terms of legs, while a cow that box is often a reform motive, appreciates Amélie Courcoul.Above all, a beast that is Zen is a beast that vaproduces milk.There are obviously lots of factors but after installing the mattresses, we went in a few months from 27 to 34 kg of milk per cow, then to 37, with small drops when it is really very hot.»»

Because in addition to avoiding them any shock with the soil or an unpleasant pressure point, the latest generation mattresses promise cattle, which poorly support temperatures above 20 ° C, to refresh them thanks to an ingenious system, protected by theone of the 67 patents filed by the company. Après que l’eau froide qu’il contient a refroidi l’animal, « l’Aquaclim»», relié à une pompe à chaleur, va collecter l’énergie fournie par la vache pour la transformer en eau chaude. Au Gaec des Landelles, on se sert de cette « zoothermie»» pour le nettoyage des robots de traite.

Après les ventilateurs ou les « stations de grattage»», qui ont aussi fait un effet bœuf dans les étables, c’est un problème un peu moins glamour qui occupe aujourd’hui l’entreprise.Next innovation of Bioret Agri: a device that would separate the dung from the urine, in order to evacuate quickly and then enhance this liquid rich in nitrogen. « Aujourd’hui, l’urine, acide, attaque les pieds des animaux, sans parler des émanations d’ammoniac qui sont un problème majeur»», explique Jean-Vincent Bioret.In testing in a stable, this invention could be as (UH) accompanied in 2023.

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