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The UN Security Council condemns the invasion of Ukraine by Russia

The essential


This is the end of this direct on the crisis in Ukraine.Thank you for following it.Find new information on the situation in eastern Europe from 6 am this Saturday in Le Parisien.


Zelensky thanks France, after a new call with Emmanuel Macron.

"I hang up with Emmanuel Macron.I must say that he is a real friend of Ukraine.France is with us in the most difficult times.The disconnection of Swift and the introduction of personal sanctions against Putin and the supply of defense weapons were supported.Thank you France, ”writes the Ukrainian president on Twitter.


France will deploy 500 soldiers in Romania, announces the staff.

France will deploy 500 soldiers in Romania within NATO following the invasion of Ukraine neighboring by Russia, announced Friday evening the chief of staff of the French armies, General Thierry Burkhard.

"NATO has decided to strengthen its presence, to send a very clear sign of strategic solidarity, to position forces in Romania," said General Burkhard in an interview with Radio France Internationale and France 24.

France "volunteered (...) to ensure the role of framework nation, that is to say from leading countries, to deploy a battalion in Romania soon, "he added.


La Russie utilise son veto à l'ONU lors d'une résolution déplorant son « agression»» de l'Ukraine.

Russia put its veto on Friday, during a vote in the UN Security Council, to a resolution co-written by the United States and Albania deploring in "The strongest terms" its "assault against Ukraine "and claiming to remove" immediately "his troops from this country.

Of the 15 members of the council, 11 countries voted in favor of the text, three have abstained: China, India and the United Arab Emirates.


War in Ukraine: "We need much more support", the call for kyiv's help

How long will the Ukrainian capital still hold, and its president, Volodymyr Zelensky?In the aftermath of the military attack launched by Vladimir Putin, kyiv organized resistance to Russian troops.Our report in a besieged city.


Fitch degrades the note of the debt of Ukraine after the Russian invasion.

The Fitch rating agency degraded a notch on Friday the note of the long-term debt of Ukraine, without giving a perspective, reporting a risk of non-reimbursement of the debt after the Russian invasion.

"The military invasion by Russia has led to increased risks for the external and public finances of Ukraine, financial stability and political stability," said Fitch in a press release, also evoking "uncertainty about the extentUltimate objectives of Russia, the duration, the extent and the intensity of the conflict, and its consequences ”.


Les Russes vont « essayer de s'emparer»» de Kiev cette nuit, annonce Zelensky.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Saturday that the Russian army was going to try to attack and seize kyiv in the night, when fighting continues in the capital.

Le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU condamne l'invasion de l'Ukraine par la Russie

"We cannot lose the capital.I address our defenders, men and women from all fronts: that night, the enemy will use all his forces to break our defenses in the most vile, hard and inhuman way.Tonight, they will try to seize "kyiv, he said in a video address published on the presidency website.


GIGN to protect the French Embassy in Ukraine.

"We are under the protection of the GIGN," said this Friday, on Franceinfo, Etienne de Poncins, the French ambassador to Ukraine."We have identified 700 French people who are in Ukraine, mostly in kyiv," added the ambassador.

He recommends that French people "stay at home as much as possible" and "do not get started on the roads with the security danger that can arise".


Washington « continue à discuter»» avec l'Inde de sa position face à l'invasion de l'Ukraine.

"We continue to chat with the Indians", while New Delhi has not so far condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine, said on Friday the spokesperson for the White House Jen Psaki.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met on Thursday on the phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin and called for an "immediate stop of violence" but without firmly condemning the invasion.


Canada will in turn sanction Putin and Lavrov, Justin Trudeau announces.

A measure already announced by the United States and the European Union.The Prime Minister of Canada also "strongly supported" for the withdrawal of Russia from the Swift banking system.Canada will also sanction Belarus "which facilitated this invasion".


Ukraine asked IMF to emergency financial assistance.

Ukraine requested emergency financial assistance from the International Monetary Fund, the institution’s general manager Kristalina Georgieva said in a statement on a statement with the board of directors Kristalina Georgieva.

"We explore all the options for additional financial support", including as part of the $ 2.2 billion aid program which was to be deployed by June.


La Russie estime que les relations avec les Occidentaux sont proches du «point de non-retour»».

"The fact is that we are close to where the point of no return begins," said Maria Zakharova, spokesperson for Russian diplomacy on television.


The United Kingdom prohibits its airspace with Russian private planes.

The British Secretary for Transport Grant Shapps announced on Friday evening a ban with immediate effect of the United Kingdom's airspace to private Russian planes.

"I have strengthened our ban in the United Kingdom, so that no Russian private plane can cross British airspace or land (in Great Britain), with immediate effect," he said on Twitter.


Les sanctions contre Poutine et Lavrov sont un signe de « l'impuissance»» des Occidentaux, juge la Russie.


Washington in turn intends to sanction Vladimir Putin and Sergei Lavrov, announces the White House

The Russian President and his Minister of Foreign Affairs could be prohibited from the American territory, warns the White House.

The American government also warns the Russians against any attack directly targeting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, an atrocious act according to him.


Two Volkswagen factories stopped for lack of supply

At the beginning of March, the Volkswagen group will interrupt production in two German factories for a few days for lack of supply from Ukrainian suppliers.Earlier in the day, the boss Herbert Diess expressed on Twitter his "great concern and dismay" in the face of "the attack on Ukraine", saying that "convinced that a lasting solution can only be found on the basisof international law.»»


Better understand European sanctions against Russia

The twenty-seven countries of the European Union have adopted a set of sanctions, mainly economic, to respond to the invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin, launched in the night from Wednesday to Thursday.But will they be sufficient and effective?The answers to your questions are available in this article.


In Georgia, thousands of demonstrators gathered in support of Ukraine

Nearly 30,000 people gathered this evening on the main artery of Tbilissi, in a surge of solidarity with Ukraine.


Sanctions against the Russians: Le Pen and Zemmour fear consequences for the French

La candidate RN à la présidentielle Marine Le Pen a appelé à « ne pas traiter par-dessus la jambe»» les conséquences potentiellement « terrifiantes»» sur le pouvoir d'achat des Français que pourraient avoir les sanctions contre la Russie.

« En elles-mêmes»», ces sanctions « seront inefficaces»» et « toucheront»» les « intérêts»» français, a affirmé de son côté le candidat Reconquête! à la présidentielle Eric Zemmour. « Alors que nous sortons à peine de la crise sanitaire, le prix du gaz va exploser, le prix du baril d'essence va augmenter, le prix des céréales va s'envoler !»», s'est-il alarmé.


Sanctioned, Russian banks try to subsist as best they can

Dans un communiqué commun, les banques Sberbank, VTB, Alfa Bank et Otkrytié (parmi les plus grandes du pays) affirment que malgré leur « sérieuse concurrence»», elles sont « aujourd'hui solidaires»» afin d'assurer « le fonctionnement ininterrompu de l'ensemble du marché financier»».

« La communauté bancaire est préparée à différents scénarios : nous avons suffisamment de liquidités pour satisfaire la demande, il n'y a pas de restrictions pour le retrait d'espèces, que ce soit dans les distributeurs automatiques ou dans les bureaux des banques»», se sont-elles efforcées d'assurer, alors que l'on a pu voir des queues dans des guichets de Moscou, certains épuisant leurs liquidités.


UN: a vote sentenced Moscow expected to the Security Council

The fifteen members of the UN Security Council meet this evening to vote on a draft resolution of the United States and Albania condemning the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.The text also requires an immediate withdrawal of the Russian troops.

This very firm resolution draft is placed under chapter 7 of the United Nations Charter, which allows the strength to be applied to apply it.But the text is doomed to failure, due to Moscow's right of veto.


After the EU, the United Kingdom freezes the assets of Vladimir Putin and Sergei Lavrov

The British treasure added the two men to his list of entities and individuals targeted by sanctions following the Russian offensive in Ukraine.


Washington criticizes the proposal of Moscow talks

Les Etats-Unis ne pensent pas que Kiev devrait accepter l'offre de Moscou d'ouvrir des négociations avec l'Ukraine, car discuter sous la menace « n'est pas de la vraie diplomatie»», défend le porte-parole de la diplomatie américaine, Ned Price. « Nous voyons que Moscou suggère que la diplomatie se tienne sous la menace des armes, alors que les bombes, les tirs de mortiers, l'artillerie de Moscou prend des civils pour cible»», dénonce-t-il.


London: representations of the Bolchoi ballet canceled

The Royal Opera House in London has canceled representations of the renowned Bolchoi ballet planned this summer, due to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

This is not the first decision relating to the world of Russian culture.Renowned close to Russian president Vladimir Putin, the famous Russian conductor Valéry Guerguiev was deprogrammed Friday at the La Prague de Dvorak festival (Dvorakova Praha) where he was to lead the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra in September in September.Thursday, he had been replaced at the raised foot for a series of concerts at the Carnegie Hall in New York for the same reason.


Suspension of Russia from the Council of Europe: Turkey has abstained

During the vote to suspend Russia from the Council of Europe, Ankara abstained, said Foreign Minister Mevlüt Casuvoglu. « Nous ne voulons pas couper le dialogue»» avec la Russie, explique-t-il.